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31 Bertram Emblem

Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 10:15
by Geaux Deep
I am in need of a set of Bertram emblems.

Sometime back, before the new site, this question came up and sources for the emblems were listed.

If anyone remembers these contacts please let me know. - RH

Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 10:41
by nic
Danny at Hightide Marine in Marathon is one source


Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 12:34
by Harv
Richard Sabatini on the links page is another source for emblems.

Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 13:05
by Carl
I got mine from Comstock several years ago.


Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 14:40
by Capt. Mike Holmes
I got some from Bertram several years ago, but they were the cast pot metal type and need replacing again. I thought Vic and some others had gotten stainless steel versions from somebody in Australia?

Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 15:28
by In Memory of Vicroy
I ordered the "Bertram 31" and the eagle emblem from Gameboats in Aussie and they are cast stainless and very good quality. I just checked their website and they still sell them....Don Jones with Bertram says they are protesting using their logo, but the Aussies say they got the rights when they bought the rights to the 28 Hyena Boat....who knows. With the US dollar sucking wind not sure they are as cheap as when I got mine a few years ago.


Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 19:04
by Ironman
Got mine from gameboats too..
Theyre holdin up good. ...

Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 19:06
by nic
I know the guys at Gameboats, want me to talk to them let me know.


Posted: Oct 8th, '07, 19:55
by ZeroCavity
I believe Hightide Marine is a site sponsor.

Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 11:34
by Mikey
I need a set also. Maybe a quantity deal?


Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 13:11
by Capt. Mike Holmes
I'm in for the stainless ones from gameboats.

Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 17:48
by scot
On the topic of emblems...what every happened to the Bertram window stickers? I was thinking someone was working on them? Am I having a senoir moment or was this discussed awhile back?

Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 18:47
by nic

Spoke to Gameboats, they are out of stock and are close to giving up trying to get them. Factory here is unresponsive.

They have 6 of the 31 numbers, but nothing else. Makes sense as there are only two 31s in Oz.

They were very happy to hear that the Faithful are keeping them in mind and apologised that they can't help.



Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 19:12
by Charlie
Danny at Hightide is a site sponsor here and also is a sponsor of the Mid-Atlantic Classic Owner's Bertram Rendezvous. Give Danny your business. As for Bertram...wonder how they stay afloat?????

Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 19:54
by nic
I have nothing but good things to say about dealing with Danny at Hightide, he was just great to us.

The "Bertram" factory here, called Carribean now and they've changed the hull of the 35 which is the biggest seller here, are famous for doing things their way or not at all. The family that owns it has a huuuuuuge landbank and they develop and sell or lease chunks of it occasionally. They have never relied on the boats to put food on the table.

The Gameboats guys are good guys too. They live to fish.


Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 20:20
by In Memory of Vicroy
Nic, thanks for the local heads-up on Gameboats. You guys, the world is so small now......when I contacted Gameboats 5 or 6 years ago, they knew who I was and all the guys. Sent me what I needed in less than a week (God invented jet planes for a reason) and were just nice folks to deal with......

Now Nic, I have a problem I need your help with....I wear the Aussie Ug boots in the winter here and my source, AAA seems to have gone out of business...I need a new source for the real Aussie Ug boots, I like the mid calf ones, keep my toes warm and ward off colds and the flu big time, especially if you fly a lot. Got a source?



Posted: Oct 9th, '07, 23:19
by nic

Try this one ... index.html

Tight lines, warm feet!


Posted: Oct 10th, '07, 20:13
by In Memory of Vicroy
Thanks Nic, they had just what I the bad news - this "global economy" makes my US$ worth less than dog doo-doo.....the Ug boots I wanted would have been US$ 205 including shipping from Aussie Land, but the same boot (exact brand, etc, imported from Aussie Land) from Nordstrom's dept. store website in the US was $US 119 and free shipping. When we used to have a bunch of house cats, the Bride was paying $US 65 here for some flea stuff by Bayer (Germany) that you rubbed on their necks....I found a place in Aussie Land that sold it, delivered to my front door halfway around the world, for $US 21.....

Guess the moral, if any, is maybe this global economy and the internet where we can shop all over the world has compressed the various currencies to the point where we need to just shop the currency?


Posted: Oct 11th, '07, 21:23
by scot
UV the good news about a low dollar is everything we produce that is exported becomes a bargin overseas. Currently lots of equipment is being fabricated on the Gulf Coast for overseas markets. Basically an international boom for the "Made in the USA" equipment manufactures.

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 05:29
by nic

As an exporter for many years relying on sales to the U.S. I can see that the U.S. has done all the heavy lifting for manufacturing in the developing (Asian) and recovering (European) economies since WWII with your liberal trade policies.

You guys deserve all the export business coming your way from a low $US and the rest of the world economies owe you a vote of thanks.

Let's see if you get it.


Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 08:18
by randall're a long can you hold your breath......but thanks anyway

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 10:24
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hey Nic - just got my new Ugg boots....Ugg Austrailia brand, made in China, bought from a US dept. store on line and delivered by a German courier (DHL).....good quality boots. Gonna order another pair before they go up.....

UV, the amazed

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 10:50
by Carl
We have a big government here, just to prevent that sort of thing from happening.