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Brainpower vs. clears

Posted: Sep 9th, '07, 10:13
by Mikey
Vic, you'll love this. When one is attempting something as complicated (at least for this old clear-soaked Irishman) as designing and installing an electrical system in a B 31 from scratch, and one has a, 'got to remember that,' moment one must also remember the immortal words (paraphrased) of Mark Twain, "The best memory is paper and pencil."
After attempting to turn both engines over and getting nothing from the starter switch, and then tracing and retracing every conceiveable wire, switch, module, etc. spraying everything with Vic's magic drugs; and being able to turn over the engines (once unstuck) by shorting out the AMS I finally relent and agree with the Cummins manual . . . The AMS's (both) must be bad. Coincident?
Sleep on it!
In the morning, return once more and . . . Hmmm.
Where is the power coming from to the AMS? What was that wire I was supposed to remember?
The gray matter residing between the ears has two apparant functions which do not appear to be compatible or mutually inclusive, memory and crear filtering.
Think I may get to injectors and fuel this week.

Posted: Sep 9th, '07, 13:25
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey - you were supposed to find the wires that used to pass thru the micro switches on the Morse control shift levers and tie them together, remember now?


Posted: Sep 9th, '07, 21:39
by scot
The gray matter residing between the ears has two apparant functions which do not appear to be compatible or mutually inclusive, memory and crear filtering.
Well spoken Mikey, well spoken indeed.

Posted: Sep 10th, '07, 09:18
by Mikey
Vic, Checked the old Morse controls and there was nothing on them. The replacement Kobelts were purchased without switches. IF there were switches on the boat from which the Cummins came they are now attached to a pair of Yannies on that boat. I did take your advice first thing.
Nuttin, Honey.
Well, I probably won't get to it this week as I need to raise money for our charity golf tourney and get someone to add a line to one of our septic systems so my bride can take a bath. She misses her tub, which can't be good for me.
Have a week.