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Attn Doc...

Posted: Aug 31st, '07, 19:11
by CMP
I tried to respond to your email re" my B20 and B25 on THT, but Windows deleteed it and your message. Feel free to email me at or call 603.670.3466. Sorry about that...


Posted: Aug 31st, '07, 19:27
by thuddddddd
someone just posted all that info on , Think it was that s. fla mech who's name starts with B, you know homophobic

Posted: Aug 31st, '07, 21:18
by CMP
OK timmy, you've brought me into your homo-erotic fantasies one too many times-You are a dead man...


Posted: Sep 1st, '07, 08:09
by Doug Crowther

Mark- post some pics of the 25. Have seen it since May.

Posted: Sep 1st, '07, 18:45
by CMP
Hi Doug,

I can't resize on this machine, so here's a link to pics already on the 'net. I think you'll approve... ... 35&start=1


Posted: Sep 1st, '07, 19:02
by thuddddddd
Mark , you running that thing out of P-town?????????

Posted: Sep 1st, '07, 19:15
by CMP
Dead man yapping...


Posted: Sep 1st, '07, 19:47
by Skipper Dick
Outstanding looking work. It's something to be proud of.


Posted: Sep 2nd, '07, 16:35
by Harv

That is one great looking boat.

Posted: Sep 3rd, '07, 11:36
by CMP
Thanks guys, it was a long project, but the paint and tower really made it all worthwhile. That said, I'm done with projects for a long while...


Posted: Sep 3rd, '07, 13:01
by waggles02673
CMP wrote:Thanks guys, it was a long project, but the paint and tower really made it all worthwhile. That said, I'm done with projects for a long while...

Yeah ok Mark. Let's just see when your wife tells you that she would like more space on the boat. Besides we need something big to go to the Canyons in.


Posted: Sep 7th, '07, 08:16
by Doug Crowther
Outstanding ! Its all in the prepwork and you nailed that.After seeing it in that garage the extraction pictures are pretty cool. Put the engines in and take me for a ride !

Posted: Sep 7th, '07, 09:22
by 34Hatt
Wow sweet looking ride Nice Job.