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Site fundraiser 2

Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 20:28
by In Memory of Vicroy
I'm going to start a new thread on this since the first one got expanded with some pix...Faithful, please don't post pictures on this one, let's just raise money to support our sandbox.

In my view, the response to the fundraiser has been outstanding. For you that visit here and have not realized that we support this site with our money vs. charging you to visit here, let me give you some things to ponder.....

Capt. Patrick owns the site and has made it available to all of us out of his own pocket....since about 1999. Many of us have become blood brothers, best friends thru this site. The kind of friends that will get in cars, fly on airplanes, send help to hurricane victims, or as they say, send money, guns, and lawyers to help each other. It has become a Brotherhood of the Faithful. The Faithful are those of us that revere the old Bertrams, mostly the B31, but all are welcome here, even the dreaded Hyena Boats.

My point is that if you visit here, and enjoy this site, you need to send some money to Capt. Patrick to help him maintain this wonderful place we all enjoy. The amount is not important, just your show of support is all that counts, and you don't have to post that you sent some support, just do it.

Yo fren'


Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 21:51
by renegademike
Sorry about the pictures. I got carried away. I am in Mexico so a check in the mail might not work. Nestor is going to be down here next week maybe I can get him to send my donation in for me.
Once agian thanks to all of you for your help.

Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 22:35
by DanielM
I'm in

Posted: Aug 24th, '07, 09:32
by Capt. DQ
I'm in. Check will go out next week.

Posted: Aug 24th, '07, 10:19
by Rawleigh
My check is in the mail today.

Posted: Aug 28th, '07, 16:59
My check is in the mail 8/28. DRIFTER 31TIARA Lafitte La

Posted: Aug 29th, '07, 03:17
by luis
After September 15 by Western Union. Hope to be usefull to keep the BEST site ever about our beloved Bertram 31. Thanks

Posted: Aug 29th, '07, 11:47
by Jack
Check is in the mail. But I still love Hyena Boats!

Posted: Sep 3rd, '07, 16:13
by Rocket
I know this has been brought up in the past and the response has been subdued, to say the least.

Captain Patrick - what is the downside to being able to recieve payment by paypal or credit card? This is an online forum and it would make the transaction much more simple and automatic if we were able to pay online. If it is a percentage deduction thing, then I would pay a premium -if it is a governmnet tracking thing, I'll wear an aluminum strainer on my head while I send in the dough.

I will participate regardless, I just wanted to see if there is an easier way! Thanks for making the sandbox what it is - The upgrade will be great no doubt and those that use it must pay for it - There are no free lunches.

Posted: Sep 3rd, '07, 17:22
by CaptPatrick


Issue is neither percentage nor government... To setup to accept credit cards online is a very expensive process, dealing with both software & and an account with a banking firm that specializes in online clearance. Also have to set up a secure server service & obtain site certification.

I've looked into PayPal on several occasions &, while more tailored for the little guy, it's still a hassle to deal with. I just don't have the time, energy, or annual volume of online business to realistically make either worthwhile.

I do all of my "check writing" online with my bank, (as do several other donors). Log into my online banking account, select "Make a Payment", select an account or create a new one, enter the amount, select the earliest payment date available, click "Submit", print out a copy of the transaction, drop the printout into the desk drawer. As easy as any credit card & probably faster delivery of funds to the payee...



Posted: Sep 4th, '07, 08:13
by STeveZ
Better late than never. (I'm in)

Posted: Sep 4th, '07, 10:22
by In Memory Walter K
Same here-Walter

Posted: Sep 4th, '07, 10:34
by Charlie J
iam as always, as soon as i get the boat back in

Posted: Sep 5th, '07, 18:54
by nestorpr
Capt. Patrick, I just sent you a check that includes Renegademike's $100, thanks for a great site!

Posted: Sep 15th, '07, 11:51
by Harv

Tomorrow's my birthday,
so I'm sending you a present today.
It's in the mail.

By the way, Paypal is very easy and it links to your
personal or checking account. I have an account for Ebay,
that sends funds to another Ebayer's Paypal account.
Anytime you need funds from Paypal just click a button and it
goes right into your personal account....and vice versa,
if you need to pay through Paypal. Doesn't take more than 10 minutes
to set up. It can also be linked to a credit card if you prefer.
I do not know however, what % Paypal takes as a fee.