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New potion

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 14:34
by In Memory of Vicroy
I got a flyer from an outfit in TN selling some penetrating oil called Aero Kroil. They had a 2 for one deal so for about 11 bucks just got two cans. Flyer claims it is the best penetrating stuff ever made, will creep into a gap only a millionth of an inch. Also claims if it won't get a corroded or galled bolt loose they will give you your money back.

Figured I'd give it a head to head with CX.

Any of the Faithful ever use it?


Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 14:43
by Charlie J
we use it at work, good stuff

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 14:44
by Mikey
Do we still have some issue with delivery of CX aerisols? Sure could use same.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 15:22
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey, yes we was supposed to be solved but I just had a shipment bounce back. Got someone working on it, but may have to take a different tack.


Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 17:43
by Trey Dibrell
As the "Prince of Potions", I am familiar with and have used Aero Kroil.

It is another of those avaition products that has been around for awhile.

IMHO, it is not as good as red CX. I have gotten stuff apart with CX that

Aero Kroil wouldn't get.

Da Judge

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 18:00
by Jareb
A product called "Mouse Milk" is another excellent one used in the aviation industry.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 19:58
by Bruce
I have used it since the 70's. Still got a gallon container from then.

Not as good as CX red as the Judge already said.


Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 21:40
by Capt. Mike Holmes
When I worked for Shell in the 70's, somehow a can of this stuff found it's way from work to my home. One night while gar fishing in the bayou behind the house, I ran out of OFF, and the skeeters were eating me alive. Out of desperation, I sprayed the Aero Kroil on my arms. I may have been drinking, that was a long time ago. It worked real well. Didn't keep the bugs away, but made my skin so slippery they couldn't stay on long enough to bite without sliding off.

I told my bosses at Shell about this discovery, they felt that the possiblity of cancer and brain damage from inhaling the fumes outweighed the potential as a bug "repellant". Hadn't thought of this product in years, until Vic brought it up.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 23:00
by In Memory Walter K
Mike-Larry the cable guy couldn't have come up with a funnier story! Thank you for making my evening. Dont think I'll ever use a bug spray again without thinking of you! Walter

Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 06:48
by Brewster Minton
Does CX work as a bug repellent? Uncle Vic will have to run some tests.

Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 08:47
by White Bear
I, too, have been using Kroil for over 20 years. It works well in most applications, but I believe Corrosion-X has a slight edge, particularly in the speed with which it frees up the problem parts.

Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 10:18
by Rawleigh
Is "Aero Kroil" the same a plain ole "Kroil"? Its been around a long time.

I just got some of this stuff to try:

I will report on how it performs after I find a suitably difficult task for it. It may be crap for all I know, but I like to experiment.