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Site fundraiser

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 16:36
by In Memory of Vicroy
Yep, it's that time again. Capt. Patrick owns this sandbox and we support it with our donations to him. So let's break out the checkbooks and send some moola to keep this place open and free to all.

Ask yourself what this site is worth to you? How much time, trouble, and money have you saved by the advice freely given here? Not to mention the pure entertainment value. When you write that check, remember that you are a member of the finest boating fraternity on earth, the few, the proud, the B31.

I'll be sending a check tomorrow, the Ole Fart's address is:

Capt Patrick McCrary
834 Scott Dr.
LLANO, TX 78643
Payable to: Patrick McCrary

OK Faithful, just post up "I'm in" and let's get the show on the road.


Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 16:38
by John F.
I'm in.

John F.

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 16:42
by scot
I'm in...

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 16:50
by JohnD
I'm in, over due as a matter of fact. I'll include a late fee.


Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 16:58
by Harv
JohnD wrote:I'm in, over due as a matter of fact. I'll include a late fee.
Ditto, what John said!!

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 18:22
by Rawleigh
Definately in!!

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 20:13
by Harry Babb
I'll be mailing my check this week

Thanks to Capt Pat and also a thanks all of the members who contribute to the success of

Harry Babb

Posted: Aug 20th, '07, 20:47
by AndreF
How much?
Are we talking Bolivars ?

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 06:54
by jeffery pagano

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 06:57
by glculp
I'm in.

Gail Culp

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 07:27
by Eddy G

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 08:04
by Mikey
Worth it's weight in clears. Dreamsicle wouldn't be the queen she is without Patrick's inspired idea. Bless you my son, the check's in the mail.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 08:32
by Mack
I am in. Probably owe some additional $$ from all the questions I asked him during our trip to TSL. Particularly since most of the answers were no less than 30 minutes long!!!

Thanks for sharing all of you knowledge and insight Capt.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 08:40
by Trey Dibrell
I'm in, Andre will be sending a check for me shortly.

Da Judge

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 09:06
by thuddddddd
Andre, got mine too.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 09:15
by Hyena Love
I am in. Take me about a week to get something out though.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 09:48
by Skipper Dick
I'm in. Great site, informative, educational and some times funny.


Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 10:07
by Garry
Count me in.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 10:38
by Tommy

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 10:50
by Rob C
I'm in.
Thanks Capt.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 11:32
by jeffery pagano
I misplaced the address. Could someone post the address?

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 11:41
by jeffery pagano
Another ooops, I found the address on the site.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 14:33
by AndreF
Timmy and Trey,
I've carried you two in the past, groaning under the dead weight as my knees strained and popped, putting one foot in front of the other getting no help from the burdens (you). It's about time we cut those apron srings, severed the umbilical cords and let you two stand on your own two feeble appendages. In other words send your own checks.

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 15:11
by Dug
Are you kidding me?

I'm in!

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 16:57
by Cross
I am in!

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 17:07
by nestorpr
How do we help and where to send the $$$?

Posted: Aug 21st, '07, 20:08
by Rawleigh
Capt Patrick McCrary
834 Scott Dr.
LLANO, TX 78643

We shoot for $100.00 each, but we all give what we can. Some give more, some give less, depending on their ability. We figure it is a cheap price to pay for the troubles and expenses that can be avoided with the advice and knowledge available here.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 01:42
by Sean B
I'm in.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 08:01
by capy
I'm in.

Timmy can pay for me through Andre.......

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 09:28
by Carl
I will put a check in the mail tomorrow.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 09:50
by renegademike
Hi Guys I live in Mexico so a check would be difficult. How can I donate using my credit card.
I'm in the final stages of redoing my 31B and all your help has in indispensable. I want to thank all of you for your help. I have a bucket load of my 31B redo picks in if any of you guys wish to critique anything feel free to do so. I value your opinions highly.
If any of you 31Bertram members are ever in Cabo please look me up. I would love to meet you and maybe take you out fishing. I moved here to pursue my fanatical obsession to catch those fish that swim in the ocean. I used to live in San Diego and have fished all over the Pacific side of Mexico, mostly on the longrange boats out of San Diego.
I love to fish the cow tuna and will be getting into the blue and black marlin the season.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 09:56
by AndreF
All nice shots, thanks.
Are you a charter?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 09:58
Even a lowly Tiara owner like me is in. Suggestions on how much ? Capt Patricks ideas are already being implimented on my repower project!!!

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 14:01
by nestorpr
Excellent catches all!! I'm arriving Sunday afternoon and will be staying at the Westin Hotel. I'll be with the distributor Monday thru Thursday during the day but will contact you to arrange to meet one night or so just to swap stories and see the boat if possible. See ya next week!

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 19:09
by Harry Woods
I am in.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '07, 23:25
by nic
I'm in, though I haven't seen my 31 for over a month! More later.....

Thanks all, esp. Capt Pat, for the great site.


Posted: Aug 23rd, '07, 06:37
by Brewster Minton
You know Im in for sure!