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Posted: Aug 2nd, '06, 20:40
by bertramsupermex
FAITHFUL, checking in from Wash D.C. The last 2-3 months have been needless to say, extremely hectic. This has been, believe it or not, my 23rd military move. One of the enjoyable parts of this move was of course being able to visit family, but also to see SUPERMEX! WOW! is simply all I can say. Carl has done a wonderful job. She had just been painted a beautiful Fighting Angel yellow and almost brought me to my knees when I saw her. I know, I know, pictures will be forthcoming. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back in touch. The PENTAGON is amazing. I stand ready to provide any of the FAITHFUL a tour of this magnificent facility. 25K-28K personnel report to work each day and it has taken me almost 4 weeks to learn how to go from corridor to corridor without getting lost. I purchased property right on the Occoquan River so I will be able to put SM through her paces, albeit not offshore, but I will give her the exercise she needs. Good to be back in the V/r Roland

Posted: Aug 2nd, '06, 20:47
by In Memory of Vicroy
Welcome home, Commander. I'll take you up on the tour offer soon. From all of the Faithful, thank you for your service.

Gimme a shout, 800 260 9908 and let's catch up.


Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 08:06
by Rawleigh
Roland, glad to here yo are back in America. Stay in touch with those of us on the Bay and maybe we can all get together soon. Your friend, Rawleigh

Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 08:07
by Tommy

Great to hear from you, and welcome home amigo!


Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 08:39
by Chiles
Welcome back to the East Coast. I work in Alexandria from time to time so I'll make sure I contact you before I do. If you make it to Richmond for any reason, drop me a note. First beverage is on me.


Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 09:18
by CaptPatrick
Welcome home, Commander! Good to have you back on US soil. Maybe you can finish your hitch without crossing anything but state borders...



Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 09:28
by JohnD
Welcome Back!!!

You're just in time for the fall "Rockfish" season. Hope you get all settled in soon and can take a few evenings and weekend to relax and get re-acquainted with SUPERMEX.


Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 13:43
by chris pague
Roland ; Welcome to the heat and traffic. Current temp is 101.3 and the traffic is at a stand still. Pentagon to Ocaquan on a Fri afternoon is 2hr and 14 min. a distance of 21 miles. Get a Harley and do the HOV. All jokeing aside WELCOME BACK.
As John D said fall rockfish will be soon and Supermex should be able to make the trip to the bay is 2 and 1/5 hrs about 90 miles.
Rawligh and Mikey will provide clears
Stuck in DC Chris

Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 14:10
by Mikey
Mikey gots those clears. Might take you up on a tour of the Pentagon. Have always been fascinated by it. Can't wait to see SM. Yellow heh? Kind of like Dreamsicle, pale orange.
Went over to the yard this morning to do some fiberglass grinding. After suiting up in Tyvek et al I was able to make it 45 minutes before calling it a day, but got the job done. When the dust settles I'll go back and vacuum.
Work progresses.
Roland, welcome home.
Sit Stay

Posted: Aug 3rd, '06, 17:27
by John F.

Welcome to DC. I work in DC, and live due east on Kent Island, where my B31 Anna E. sits at the dock. Look forward to meeting you.

John F.

Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 00:55
by JohnV8r
Hey Roland,

Glad to have you back home. I'd love to see the pictures of SuperMex when you have a chance. I've still got the last set you sent me with the custom exhaust.

Time to get your burgee wet amigo!

Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 10:06
by AndreF
Dittos, Roland !

Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 14:39
by neil
roland did you get your oak bluff shirts neil

Welcome Back

Posted: Aug 15th, '06, 13:29
by Rumrunner
Glad to see you got back early

Capt Tom