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Weekend fishing

Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 10:03
by Dug
Looks like we will be heading on Sunday night, unless the weather reports change, for a canyon overnight.

Anyone else going to be there?

Boat is full right now, with 5 including me. One complete greenhorn, 4 pretty experienced. Should be fun.

Thoughts on area to fish? At this point I am just thinking Tails, region... Just a lot of warm water to pick from, and to run east to the temp break is a long drive...


Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 11:15
by Al C
A friend fished the Hydrographer last week and had a great trip 8 yft and lost a bunch more in rough seas.

Hudson Sunday?

Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 12:55
by Jack
I've been watching the weather. If it holds, I might try a day trolling trip to the Hudson on Sunday.

Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 16:30
by steve miller
It looks like Sun./Mon. might not be in the cards weatherwise. Are you able to go midweek? Or will you wait 'til the following weekend? This is the very best time of the year for canyon trips, for my money. Keep in touch....

Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 17:10
by CMP
Hydro and Veatch havebeen friggin crazy. A friend of mine did a 2 day and caught big eyes to 200, a pantload of yft's to 80, several blue marlin attacks-none landed, 2 hooked-white marlin attacking in packs like the old days, wahoo, and mahi. This guy's been a canyon guy for 30 years and he said it was the best he's ever seen it. I'm trying to get a buddy to go next week. Might be time for Mark to exercise his "big boat" option and get back in this game...


Posted: Aug 10th, '07, 06:03
by Brewster Minton
7 miles east of tails has been good on the overnight but the trolling has been little or none

Posted: Aug 10th, '07, 06:44
by waggles02673
CMP wrote:Hydro and Veatch havebeen friggin crazy. A friend of mine did a 2 day and caught big eyes to 200, a pantload of yft's to 80, several blue marlin attacks-none landed, 2 hooked-white marlin attacking in packs like the old days, wahoo, and mahi. This guy's been a canyon guy for 30 years and he said it was the best he's ever seen it. I'm trying to get a buddy to go next week. Might be time for Mark to exercise his "big boat" option and get back in this game...

Confirm what mark said. Spoke with friends who fished Hydro and it is crazy. As they put it "the bite was epic"! Large YF, Big fat Big Eye's, Mahi, Marlin, Swords and wahoo. Have friends that are heading out tomorrow morning on a Ocean "JSeas". Dug, might be worth making the run that way.


Posted: Aug 10th, '07, 08:37
by Dug
Hydro and Veatch seem a pretty long steam from Mystic, CT. We are going to begin on the east side of the tails and move east further. Maybe even west Atlantis. Even that is a bit of a poke I think. Brewster, you are one of everyone who is saying the chunk is the way to go, so that be the direction!

Mark, your buddy, is he chunking or trolling. Any word on time of day (or night?)

It is definately firming at this point for the sunday overnight.


Posted: Aug 10th, '07, 12:00
by steve miller
Looks like the weather is shaping up. Two bigeyes that I know of, because friends of mine caught them, came out of west atlantis. One was 147 lbs caught at 11:30 a.m. (!) the other was 233 caught on a purple spreader at dusk. I saw two more that were also weighed in at the tri-state, 250 & 267. Both caught at Veatch. The best chunk bite I heard of was at Veatch. I also talked to a guy who caught 14 yellows in 50 fathoms north of the tails. Let me know how you do. Let me know when you're going again.

Posted: Aug 10th, '07, 13:41
by Dug

I will. Right now the wind report is not getting better. Up to 15-20 on sunday, with 3-5 foot waves. We shall see. If it continues to see more wind, then we shall see...


Posted: Aug 12th, '07, 19:33
by steve miller
Hey Brewster,
Are you around? Have you been out? Are you headed out? I'm headed out Tuesday early for an overnight trip. There are some nice looking breaks out there. I'm wondering what you're hearing from the dip....looks mighty good there. Anyone else going to be out Tues/Wed?

I'm waiting for you to get back and post how you guys did!

Posted: Aug 13th, '07, 07:33
by Dug
Steve and all,

We did not end up going. Probably should have gone on Saturday night. One of our crew had his hall pass revoked, and that took him and his bud from sweden out of the mix, plus he is a key since he is only in the states for another week and a half and we want him go get offshore with us. But the good news is that the tanks are full, and the bait is bought for the next trip.

So likely this weekend coming. YOu are right Steve, there do look to be some good breaks. Another boat in my harbor came in last night after hitting the fishtails with a bent rigger, and empty fishboxes save for some mahi. Otherwise, nothing. They were out on the troll, so that continues to confirm that the troll at the tails isn't a top producing method in that spot. We had planned to head to the east of the tails, much closer to Atlantis, so who knows... Let us know how you do tomorrow! And good luck!

Also, Steve, Did you hear about the 32 Luhrs Combi that was hit by the 42' Duffy during the tri-state canyon shootout? My friend Dave fishes with him all the time (the Luhrs) and had friends on board. I think the boat is totaled. If I could figure out how to get the picture out of my phone I would send it.... Big damage on the port side, just behind the aft tower leg. Not a good day, and even worse for the following timeframe!

Fish well!


Posted: Aug 13th, '07, 09:01
by CHolgerson
I fished the dip on sunday. We ended up with 3 yellowfin and an albacore. There was a very slow pick all day on the troll. We got 2 yellows off the edge in about 1000ft and the other yellow and albacore in the flats all between 2-5 miles west of the dip. We fished the temp break hard and did not see much life on either the cold or the warm side of the break. Some boats said they picked at the fish at night on the chunk but the fishing was not great. I wish we could have spent the night because the fishing was getting better later in the day. I will be going Tuesday into Wednesday this week, I am not sure where but I will give a report here when I get back.
