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Howdy Boating on the cheap

Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 18:23
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well, took AJ for a short ride on the Tickfaw this morning to the one & only fuel dock we have left and filled her with diesel....$2.69....she took 30.2 gallons...was writing that in the log book and noticed the last time I filled up was Nov. 26, 2006, some 56 gallons....I got this Howdy Boating down to a science.....TSL a few times a year is a bargain vs. what I used to do.

Eddy G. & his gal Debbie came by the camp yesterday and visited with me & the Bride for a while in his really pretty Hyena Boat before they went to a crazy coonass party a block away that a local doc has every year. Eddy's "Gotta Go" is the nicest Hyena Boat around, new 240 Yannies, may have to invent a new name for Hyena Boats of that quality.....

Summer is here with a vengance here in coonassland....high 90s for the next two or 12 weeks....But ole AJ gave me a 27 kt breeze in my face this morning with a full tank...all is well. And ask me for my Boston Butt pork roast recipe, cause we did 2 yesterday and they were (still are, leftovers).


Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 18:52
by RussP
Wow, 30 gal's in 7 months not bad. last week I noticed we were sitting pretty high in the chines and headed right to the fuel dock and took on 150 gallons in a 170 gallon tank. Linda & I put on almost 3000 miles since the diesel repower according to the GPS. With no kids to worry about were going to burn up as many dead dinosaurs as we can till were too old to leave the dock. Today was an amazing day at the inlet sandbar, beautiful blue warter on the incoming tide and 18 boat beers, gota love life.


Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 20:15
by In Memory of Vicroy
Russ, good deal....I can tell you & Linda really miss Oregon. Tell Linda I'm reconsidering her disqualification in the UVI where she caught the blue marlin. If the Statute of Limitations has not run yet, she may be in the money....but tell her not to clear a place on the shelf for it just yet.

Yeah, love that cheap Howdy Boating....might not even change the oil in the Cummins for a few years....someone said here it's not the hours, but the age on the oil....damn, dat oil was in de ground a loooooong time before she was pumped out, cher, and did not go bad...what ya'll think....sure, run the boat now & then to get the water out of the oil, but do we really need to change it every year? My 21 KW genset has a 16 qt. oil pan and has the same oil in it I put 7 years ago, 150 hours on a 1,000 oil change interval....oil looks, smells, & feels new....Shell Rotella T 15w40...good stuff.


Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 21:17
by IRGuy
You guys are enjoying yourselves entirely too much!

Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 21:55
by JohnCranston

How you doing buddy? Thanks for all your help in the past. You are a great guy. Reel Cowboy will be painted in a month or so; then I will post some pics. I am looking forward to another UVI.

Still looking at engine options. After that half tower/tower + Radar arch; I do not know ... but I am sure that everything will fall into place.


Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 22:17
by Tony Meola

I am a big believer in oil changes. Just sitting is also no good for the oil or the engines. Change it and they will last longer than you will. Tony Meola

Posted: Aug 5th, '07, 23:42
by Harry Babb
Hey Vic
I have ordered a 50 pound dressed pig for our 1st annual "Pig Pickin" on Labor Day this year. I have wanted to and talked about roasting a whole pig for quite some time Labor Day weekend I am going to give it a run for the money.

While the fire is hot I would like to try your famous Boston Butt recipe if you please share it with me.

Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday morning.........adjusting the breeze in your face with a throttle handle..........

Harry Babb

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 08:09
by capy
Uncle Vic,

I am now the howdyboat champ, since becoming a dad 3 years ago.

We had a double header this weekend on my Picnic boat CAPY, Saturday we had 3 kids and 6 adults two full coolers of beer, wine, soda and food, ran @22 knots 8 miles to the beach and back- burned 16 gallons diesel.

Sunday- we had 4 adults and 2 kids same trip.

People at work are starting to question my race as my tan is getting quite dark.

School tuna are all over the place up here A women on my dock caught 100lber about 4 miles out the other day. I need to dump my commercial permit and go recreational.

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 09:18
by Dug

Time to break out those bent buts and get to work.

Though I know where you are going for the beach and I have to say I like it too!

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 11:49
by Eddy G
Vic: Thanks for the kind words. I sure don't want to make you rethink the "hyena" stigma. Sorry you missed the "Breast Fest" over at Dr. Nick's. The scenery around the pool was very nice. When it cools off a bit, you need to come visit over in Madisonville. Probably get to use about 35 gallons of that old stale fuel. Enjoyed the visit and we'll see you soon.

Eddy G.

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 15:00
by In Memory of Vicroy
John, keep your fingers crossed for another may happen. Keep plugging away on Reel Cowboy. Remember, all it takes is time, patience, and money.

Tony, I was partly joking about the oil changes (not on the 21 KW tho)...I find that the 6BTA 250s use virtually no oil until they have about 110-130 hours on a change, then the consumption is about a quart every 20 hours or so. The book change interval is 250 hours. I figure the blowby is diluting the oil with diesel.....not bad after 2,500 hours or so.

Paul, Howdy Boating is I cruise into retirement, getting my butt kicked offshore is less and less appealing.....stepping off the B31 at TSL, waving bye bye to the capt. and mate, and carrying my ole ass to the swimming pool and a cold clear is a much more civilized option.

Eddy, yeah we could hear the commotion across the canal at Dr. Nick's...we had company and it was too hot to get out in the boat anyway....saw some of the scenery pass by our place in metal flake Howdy Boats. Bride only slapped me twice for using the Nikon 7x50s on them.

Harry, sounds like ya'll gonna have a couchon du's the recipe for the Boston Butts:

First take the roast and wash it good in warm water and let it drip dry. Then stuff it with fresh garlic. Cut your peeled garlic length-wise into fat slivers, take a thin knife and stab the roast deep and stuff the garlic in with your this a lot, and don't forget the sides. Now make a rub: take a small dish and pour in a pile of salt, a lot. Then add some hot sauce, I like Crystal.....if you have Tony Chacerie's add a pile of add just enough olive oil to make the mix thin enough to spread on the outside of the take a LOT of minced garlic (crushed garlic is better, like a garlic puree') and add that and stir it all up. Spoon it on the top of the roast and work it all over the roast with your fingers. We are making a crust on the roast.

Then put in the roast in a baking dish on a wire stand to get it off the bottom (do not cover it) and put it in a 325 degree oven for about an hour & a half to two hours .......shorter for a 6# roast, longer for a bigger one. Then remove from the oven and put on your bbq pit on indirect heat till done, still uncovered. Put some hickory chips in a tin can on the hot side of the pit to create some minor smoke. Use a meat therometer and get the center of the roast to 170 degrees and it be'z done. I use the wireless meat therometer and they are the best by far. I usually cook a 8# roast about 2 hours in the oven and another 3 on the pit.

So good it will make you slap yo momma.



Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 15:10
by randall
UV...missed the coonass contingent this week would have liked sunday.....clear and cool with no humidity...saturday was however a little port eads so hot i jumped off the dock....well i guess thats not port eads like

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 15:26
by In Memory of Vicroy
No, jumping off the dock at PE could get you eaten by critters bigger than you......Wish we could have made it. Heat is brutal here, just rolled the garbage can down to the street and I'm gizmo says its 97 and the heat index is 112...nice numbers, for a heat stroke maybe.

What did Bruce do to get the little motor to run?....


Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 16:59
by thuddddddd
Pulled the starter cord. Just needed a little more oomph than randallllllll could get. Like big fresh batterys

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 17:19
by randall
i think it was that no nonsense look he gave it.................actually i went out and bought a new plug and hadnt tried it yet....i did follow your advice about cleaning the points and got new gas....guess it was the day all the gas drained out...bad patrick and i went to the evinrude store and got another (owner has a 31)....damn thing cost $21...that one fifth what i paid for the motor!!

Posted: Aug 6th, '07, 17:31
by In Memory of Vicroy
Reminds me of the Aggie joke......chain saw owner takes it back, says it cuts too slow....salesman starts it up....Aggie says "what's that noise?".....


Posted: Aug 7th, '07, 21:39
by Harry Babb
Thanks for the recipe Vic..........

When are you comming back to Baldwin Co again??? We do the "Howdy" thing more than we fish nowadays..........I could use some help waving as we cruise..........its hard to drive, hold my beer, dodge the f*#?!%@ jetskis and wave to the docksters at the same time.

Harry Babb

Posted: Aug 8th, '07, 08:42
by IRGuy
Harry... I have found that if you go fast enougth you don't have to wave at them.. they give you the one finger salute all by themselves!

On the trip up the ICW 170 miles from Charleston, SC to Wilmington, NC, I was surprised to see how many video cameras were installed along the shoreline with signs saying "Boaters.. SMILE, you are being recorded!". I am sure many are just pretend, but I suspect quite a few are real.

Posted: Aug 9th, '07, 11:34
by JohnD
Gotta love Howdy boating, here on the Chesapeake we'd go almost every night for a ride, plenty of creeks and friends to visit.

Mind you, this is when I had a boat that floated and had motors in it. I can't wait to finish the repower and get back out on the water.
