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North of Cape Ann today

Posted: Jul 28th, '07, 17:19
by Dug
Liz and I are up in Annisquam for the annual beach bash at my cousins. The day started hot and humid, and beautiful! We put the crew on all the boats, and trucked it over to Cranes beach, and set up and it was great. A friend had brought a ripper of a sit down PWC and I had an absolute blast rocketing around at between 50 and 55 MPH. You know you are going fast when the water is ripping off your glasses like a car windshield! As I came into the river, on my way back to pick up another late arrival to bring back to the beach from the house, I saw Paul and Carol on Capy anchored up off of Wingershaek beach (sp?). They were great as always, and I enjoyed a beer with them and thier handsome son before finishing the trip. Great to see them. When we got back over to the beach, there was a definite change coming in the weather. The sky turned black as pavement, and it was appearing to all move to the north, but in reality it was moving in our direction. So we packed up and headed home, and it appeared just in time. I tried to call Paul on his cell from the house, as I could see him anchored off the beach still, as the weather closed in but no one answered. I wanted to offer the shelter of the house, but to no avail. I had a hell of a scare, when the rain closed them in and then a bolt of lightning appeared to hit right in the middle of all the boats, right where they were.

After it all cleared I could see them all playing around the boat through the spotting scope, so I have to believe they are all good and ok. But it has been an adventurous afternoon, more so for Paul and Carol than for us, but for all up here no matter what! Crazy weather!

Also saw Dave Mecham's 31 over on the dock in Lobster cove. She looked great also!

Now for tonight... should be fun!
