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Hurricane forecast cut

Posted: Jul 25th, '07, 09:50
by ed c.
They ( ?) have again lowered their (?) forecast for the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic for the next few months.Why does the TV weatherman laugh when his forecast is 180 Deg. off the mark? I have never believed in those weather models, too much info can confuse anyone.

Posted: Jul 26th, '07, 07:16
by 34Hatt
Oh no those models work they have to get the bugs out by Nov it will be perfect!!!!

Posted: Jul 27th, '07, 21:36
by Doug Crowther
Not to mention the fact that the insurance bookies base rates on these forecasts/heresay

Posted: Jul 28th, '07, 00:55
by nic
The whole basis of Global Warming is forecasting and modelling.

Some statisticians were reported as saying doesn't matter what it is, the methodolgy does not exist to model anything that far ahead, (ie 20 years). Was not widely reported or taken up.

Coldest day in 22 years here the other day. The response: it could have been worse, lucky we got global warming.....go figure.
