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Yanmar LP Exhaust

Posted: Jul 21st, '07, 18:38
by JohnCranston
Quick Question for you LP 315 owners: What inch exhaust do you run out of transom. Looks like 4" at the turbo - do you run the same diameter the whole link or do you upgrade as you go on? One more for you - Are mufflers recommended?


Thanks John


Posted: Jul 21st, '07, 20:11
by thereheis
i ran 4 in all the way to the end and out,,didnot use mufflers ...not loud at all...used fiberglass tube to almost the end then used blue silicone exhaust hose to outlet..sounds good has a nice rumble to it ..


Posted: Jul 21st, '07, 20:26
by JohnCranston
Thanks Phil that is what I needed.



Posted: Jul 21st, '07, 21:30
by thereheis
does your exhaust run on the outboard side of your stringer or in board ???if it runs inbord you might try and make a fiberglass double 45degor 90's glassed together so it drops down and out.then only use a small piece of hose,,


Posted: Jul 21st, '07, 23:16
by JohnCranston
It will be outboard because of my Cabrera fish boxes. Thought about running it out the side but don't really have anything to go by or copy.

