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Batman's Boat

Posted: Jul 20th, '07, 14:47
by Sean B
Check this sucker out:


The story is here: HSV-2 Swift at Port Canaveral

Posted: Jul 20th, '07, 15:35
by CaptPatrick
Cool ship... There are 4 of them leased to the government.

Don't ya' just love the fore thought that was put into the designation, (High Speed Vessel - 2), an abreviation that is more commonly recognized as Herpes Simplex Virus. The #2 strain, of course, being genital herpes...

Recon, they'll formally give her an actual name? They can even keep in full relation by naming it "Herpes", after the Greek God of Eternal Love.

Posted: Jul 20th, '07, 16:53
by Rawleigh
Sort of like the Standards of Learning tests (acronym - SOL)

Posted: Jul 20th, '07, 22:41
by nic
They make them in Tasmania and Western Australia, Incat and Austal are the yards and I'm pretty sure one of them has signed a licence deal with a local US yard, in Louisiana?, because of the Jones Act. They go hard, one of them won the Blue Riband a few years back for an Atlantic crossing at an average of 38 knots I think it was.

Unfortunate name.


Posted: Jul 20th, '07, 23:41
by Sean B
Maybe it's not a such bad name for a military ship.... named after something that is known to cause pain and is impossible to eradicate.

Might help strike fear into the hearts our many emenies. "Don't piss off the Americans, they'll send their STD's over here!"

I still remember my favorite acronyms from boot camp (because they drill them into your head, to remain there forever): BRAS. Breathe, Relax, Aim, Squeeze. And SPORTS: Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap, Shoot.

Cool boat. I'd motor by in the Bert for an up close look, if I thought they would let me near it