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Need a marine surveyor in New Jersey or close by

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 16:15
by nestorpr
Hi everyone,

I'm kind of new to the site and could use some help, I'm looking to buy a B25 in Martinsville, New Jersey but need a marine surveyor in the area to survey the boat, both for purchasing and insurance purposes. I live in Miami, FL and don't want to spend money traveling until a surveyor gives me the nod. I tried a marine surveyor's website in the internet but never received a response. Could anyone suggest a good marine surveyor in the area? Thanks!

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 21:04
by Tony Meola

Not sure if he is still around but try Richard Lange. I have an old number for him. He was in Brick Town NJ. The number I had was 908 899-9048. Try checking with Boat US. Tony Meola

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 10:30
by nestorpr
Thanks Tony, I'll try them out!