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Attention Montauk Attendees

Posted: Jul 12th, '07, 19:24
by neil
Here's an updated list from the Montauk Yacht club of boats registered to attend: Dick Dean, Gerard McLoughlin, Mitch Mills, Mike Ohlstein, Jeff Pagano, Doug Stowe, Dan Sullivan, Tom Ward, Neil Williams and Neil Franzoni. If your name is not on the list as an attendee and you are going please call Ashley (631) 668-7702 and tell her you are with the Bertram Rendevous.

Posted: Jul 12th, '07, 20:07
by Dug
Come on guys, we can do better than this!!!!

The last time we had a rendezvous in Montauk, we had 37 Bertrams or more, up to 60 feet!

Right now we have 10 signed up! Lets get going! I can't wait to see you all again, and that's right, I want to see all of you!

Montauk is going to be great!


Posted: Jul 13th, '07, 15:29
by Capt Dick Dean
Hold it, Neil. You left out Captain Happy Pants!

Posted: Jul 15th, '07, 17:47
by thuddddddd
Duggy(is that like doogie howser?) I spent all my ching on that scam bow chock that I'm sure will never get built.

Posted: Jul 15th, '07, 19:31
by Bruce
I'm commin by air and land. Not by sea.

Doc says high to the group. Spent part of Friday night having a few cocktails with him.
Still the happiest guy in the world

Posted: Jul 15th, '07, 21:42
by randall
actually bruce the last leg should be by boat (mine)

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 08:23
by 34Hatt
Dug wrote:Come on guys, we can do better than this!!!!

The last time we had a rendezvous in Montauk, we had 37 Bertrams or more, up to 60 feet!

Right now we have 10 signed up! Lets get going! I can't wait to see you all again, and that's right, I want to see all of you!

Montauk is going to be great!

Actually Dug it is 9 bertrams and 1 Hatt!!!!

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 08:50
by Charlie J
possibly 10 if my 4 girls is completed in time

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 10:02
by Craig Mac

who did you decide on the paint the boat?

are you staying with yellow?

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 12:55
by capy
Lets see, I was talking this over with the wife yesterday....

probably burn 150 gals diesel each way

ride down- $450 ($3/gal)

ride back -$600 ($4/gal)

halfway point dockage onsetbay marina : 2.50/ft x 31x 2 nights+ electric- $185

dockage at montauk : 4.50/ft x 40ft minimum x 2 nights+electric - $420

Rendezous dinner x 2 adults plus one child $240

other Meals and incidentals for 4 days and nights - $500

Grand total = 2400 clams and we are sleeping on the boat.

Provided the weather holds out and the boat holds together across the bays.

Sounds excellent.....if I could use Duggy's money.

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 13:03
by thuddddddd
sell the kid and stop crying broke. You used to be fun. Oh what parenthood does to the weak willed. My kids are all off at reform school, (on the gov's nickle, thank god for a good court system and DSS) I didn't cave to Dr. Spock parenthood books. Just beat the little fu***rs till they ran away. Have the wife work 2 jobs instead of just the one, and taking care of the boy. And if you'd stop spending all your spare cash on hair products, you could easily afford the trip.

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 13:33
by neil
timmmmy is buying the fuel, our fuel will be 2 k and 8 nights in a suite. just put the boat in gear and go

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 14:01
by Dug

Just for that, I will be sure everyone gets thiers but you...Say you are sorry now!

And Pauly, it is good to be held in such high regard! Put a pie in it and drive down in your car, and take the ferry if it is such a high price! You know the camraderie is priceless! We will be up at Cranes last week of July, you guys going to come over? Good thing Tim is boatless at the moment, I hear he has problems with that inlet... For real, the annual trek up will be held on the last weekend, Brad is over from Sweden, so come on over!


Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 14:10
by thuddddddd
Fine, maybe I over stated my feeling on the chock. You happy now?

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 14:51
by Dug
Much better, thank you!

I retract the inlet comment...

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 15:02
by thuddddddd
BTW, it's the Captain that had the trouble. I was below being tthe serving wench

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 16:16
by capy
Dug wrote:Timmy,

Just for that, I will be sure everyone gets thiers but you...Say you are sorry now!

And Pauly, it is good to be held in such high regard! Put a pie in it and drive down in your car, and take the ferry if it is such a high price! You know the camraderie is priceless! We will be up at Cranes last week of July, you guys going to come over? Good thing Tim is boatless at the moment, I hear he has problems with that inlet... For real, the annual trek up will be held on the last weekend, Brad is over from Sweden, so come on over!


We will definitely meet up with you guys, you have my cell right??? Wingaersheek is awesome during the week..much nicer than the backside

Email me if you don't have my cell.

Sorry for whining broke, but being a daddy has limited my options........



Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 16:24
by capy
thuddddddd wrote:sell the kid and stop crying broke. You used to be fun. Oh what parenthood does to the weak willed. My kids are all off at reform school, (on the gov's nickle, thank god for a good court system and DSS) I didn't cave to Dr. Spock parenthood books. Just beat the little fu***rs till they ran away. Have the wife work 2 jobs instead of just the one, and taking care of the boy. And if you'd stop spending all your spare cash on hair products, you could easily afford the trip.
Timmy this post does more for explaining your behavior than a team of shrinks working around the clock for a month could.

Carol has the hardest job on the planet she is a housewife.

I have no hair.

And I can't afford to go to montauk by boat or by car.

Different fund, new playroom with radiant heated floor, clothing, private school...blah, blah, blah, oh yeah and lots of scotch!!!

Did you and joe catch any yesterday??? Musta been rough once past cape ann 15-25 knts at the backside...

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 17:47
by offshore31

got to 1/2 way and it started getting ugly. happened to look behind and noticed the bilge pump running. found the port raw water pump was leaking pretty good, i think at the face plate, so i turned back. gonna change the impeller this weekend. figures, figured out the starting problem (starter) and the pump's gonna cause me agida. oh well, it's a boat.

fished the mouth for stripers, but got nada but doggies.


Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 19:19
by AndreF
Whoa up there, Timmy-boy. Down. Down.
I said DOWN!

That's better.

Post your Visa number and I'll send a credit to it.

We should come up there and visit you two!

Too busy tho.

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 20:17
by Matt29
You guys friggin crack me up (That's right, I said friggin, I live in Jersey now). I find myself getting distracted from the boat repair tips by the entertainment factor alone. It's a good thing too, b/c it keeps my spirits up since I'm still on land. I wish I could make it to Montauk to finally meet a bunch of you guys, but it will have to wait until I make it by way of my own Bertram. It's a work in progress, as I'm sure you can all understand. Best to everyone at the Montauk rendevous, looks like it's gonna be a great time.


Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 21:36
by Doug Crowther
Thank god Timmy decided not to procreate. 3 days till the mid atlantic and my boat is pulled all apart and in primer and the a/c aint working, engines need aligning,etc... hope my employer wasn't expecting much this week.

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 21:54
by thuddddddd
Doug, not your employer, kids or 3-4 ex wives. So don't sweat it they are used to you, or don't care anymore.

Paul, we all choose our hobbies. Private school, radiant heat , hair products. Me, I prefer closley held failing companies.
I hope the Private school works out, cause we see what public (with a little help from your dad) turned you into. Besides that lovely wife of yours has a harder job than being a housewife/mommy, it's being your babysittter/reality check. Now don't get al bent out of shape, it's said in the most carring of ways. And I know things are tuff for you, Dewars on board??? And shouldnt you just work out a smoke signal codewith duggy, you might not have a cell at that point,under the impression all the carrierers are rasing the tarriff

FAr as fishing you know the drill, Joe got "concerned" we headed back, I went to sleep

Posted: Jul 16th, '07, 22:01
by thuddddddd
Matt, don't think your geting left out. Cheeper to drive to Montauck, or th A/C thing than run a RLDT.
Where in Toms River?? the g-friends parents live there, and I get draged down all to often. After I piss off Neil and JP , I'll need someone to amuse me, so send the contact info

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 07:00
by offshore31

I was concerned when you got on the boat.

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 09:12
by dougl33
Dug wrote:Timmy,

Good thing Tim is boatless at the moment, I hear he has problems with that inlet... D
I don't think its limited to just one inlet.

Also, while Wingaersheek is OK, I much prefer the backside of Cranes(as long as the greenheads aren't out in force!). The views are incredible.

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 12:04
by capy
AndreF wrote:Whoa up there, Timmy-boy. Down. Down.
I said DOWN!

That's better.

Post your Visa number and I'll send a credit to it.

We should come up there and visit you two!

Too busy tho.
Timmy is riled up isn't he?

Andre, I most graciously accept your offer, but my card got cancelled last week.....can you just fed ex me 5lbs of fifties in a sack??? I had know idea you had that kind of wealth.

You can stay with carol and I anytime you want...I promise not to put you to work/rebuilding/running parts delivery or any other kind of nonsense.

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 12:10
by capy
thuddddddd wrote:Doug, not your employer, kids or 3-4 ex wives. So don't sweat it they are used to you, or don't care anymore.

Paul, we all choose our hobbies. Private school, radiant heat , hair products. Me, I prefer closley held failing companies.
I hope the Private school works out, cause we see what public (with a little help from your dad) turned you into. Besides that lovely wife of yours has a harder job than being a housewife/mommy, it's being your babysittter/reality check. Now don't get al bent out of shape, it's said in the most carring of ways. And I know things are tuff for you, Dewars on board??? And shouldnt you just work out a smoke signal codewith duggy, you might not have a cell at that point,under the impression all the carrierers are rasing the tarriff

FAr as fishing you know the drill, Joe got "concerned" we headed back, I went to sleep
Yeah, Iknow you're right.......most people look at her then me and just say "WHY!!!!!"

Butch at the dock was asking me about huns old hat, I told him what the current state of it is, what your plans are.......he responded that we'll see it in the water around 2010 or 2011 if your lucky.

He is in the fiberglass business.

Probably just as well, diesel will probably be $10/gal and only the rich folks like Andre, Vic, Doc and El Presidente Ohlstein, will be able to fuel up anyway.

Deep warm regards,


Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 12:14
by capy
offshore31 wrote:Tim

I was concerned when you got on the boat.

I was thinking the same thing..........maybe he is a jonah????

It would explain alot.

Tee hee.

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 14:23
by mike ohlstein
I do a canyon trip on about 105 gallons......

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 15:12
by neil
timmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy what day will you arrive in montauck and how are you getting there , jr and i are ready to bust your balls

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 15:35
by thuddddddd
Neil I'm gonna put a basket on pauls ego and ride it like one of those hot air ballons. Hope the winds are favorable, but knowing pauls attitude they will be ill.

Far as the tubb, if I'm lucky it'll get wacked by a tornado. I've been trying to get ohlstiens buddy Joel to teach me how to start one. if not it'll be back in for next summer

Paul tell you what, how about for aug you let someone else do the whinny broke ass thing?? you go back to being fun paul. I'll take my turn, if you like Cause I think there are only about 2 guys here that are more broke than me, and you ain't 1. Then come sept you can be your current curmudgionly self, if you like, and I'll not say a word(at least about that) Heck if you do the deal, we'll even have you over for dinner, in aug(good attitude paul). For real food, not that spam and cheese whiz your being forced to eat due to finances

Posted: Jul 17th, '07, 21:15
by Harv
thuddddddd wrote: Cause I think there are only about 2 guys here that are more broke than me, and you ain't 1.
I know I am!! Cause I don't think anyone is more broke than me.
Heck, I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention.

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 12:10
by capy
thuddddddd wrote:Neil I'm gonna put a basket on pauls ego and ride it like one of those hot air ballons. Hope the winds are favorable, but knowing pauls attitude they will be ill.

Far as the tubb, if I'm lucky it'll get wacked by a tornado. I've been trying to get ohlstiens buddy Joel to teach me how to start one. if not it'll be back in for next summer

Paul tell you what, how about for aug you let someone else do the whinny broke ass thing?? you go back to being fun paul. I'll take my turn, if you like Cause I think there are only about 2 guys here that are more broke than me, and you ain't 1. Then come sept you can be your current curmudgionly self, if you like, and I'll not say a word(at least about that) Heck if you do the deal, we'll even have you over for dinner, in aug(good attitude paul). For real food, not that spam and cheese whiz your being forced to eat due to finances
Timmy you know flatterey will take you any where.

My attitude is fine, it's just your perception that is ill.

Next summer??? how many mexicans you bringing in to work on it??? Maybe you should drag a $100 dollar bill attached to a picture of the tubb through downtown lawrence, I bet you could get many undocumented workers that way!!!!

Deal. Next time your walk by the boat stop in for another dewars.

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 15:53
by thuddddddd
Convict labor, my good fellow. From the "farm" . $7.00, no benifits. Probably do as good a job as most of the "marine" mech's in the area. (Bruce your not from around here, right?)
I'll you what, I'm going to tap into my kids college fund and buy you a bottle of the good stuff, that you used to embibe on, back when you were fun Paul. We'll tip back a few, then you can hide the bottle(so the cute redhead won't think your spending Petey shrink money) Then after it's all gone, pour the Dewars into it , most will never know, cept you and me. We'll keep it our little secret(unless we tell crowther)
And I'll show you my collection of $100. bill(not a misprint, just got 1)
Heck I'll even give you fitycent for the strip club.

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 16:29
by dougl33
thuddddddd wrote:Heck I'll even give you fitycent for the strip club.
Sign me up!

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 16:48
by thuddddddd
big spender, Paul was going to tip 5 of the girls with that.

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 17:35
by Chiles
Since when did kathy lift her moritoriam on strip clubs for you?

Nice to see you are still well loved here.!!


Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 17:54
by thuddddddd
Stew, she still lets me dance.
How do you think I can afford to pay my shore of the bills? What with a failing company, dog food bills, private training for beau, and the new radiant floor I put in Beau's(so he could sleep better after the tuff training sessions) wing of Kathi's palatial estate.
Like harv says"I'm so broke, I can't afford to pay attention"

Posted: Jul 18th, '07, 17:59
by Bruce
Bruce your not from around here, right
If I had been, you wouldn't know cause I would have already blown my brains out years ago.

I thought N.O. was corrupt.
Boston makes N.O. look like a bunch of girl scouts.

Posted: Jul 19th, '07, 09:43
by capy
Bruce wrote: If I had been, you wouldn't know cause I would have already blown my brains out years ago.

I thought N.O. was corrupt.
Boston makes N.O. look like a bunch of girl scouts.

Everybody up here is a few drinks away from blowing their brains out...