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1. bilge odor; side widoe replacement kits

Posted: Jul 3rd, '07, 11:08
by iannuzzi
1986 Silver Anniversary- gas boat. Horrible stink from bilge--sulfur like. tried a variety of bilge cleaners with only tempoary help. Thoughts?

Original side windows leaking like crazy. Need replacement. What's available?

Posted: Jul 3rd, '07, 13:57
by Dug
I recommend that you head to Home Depot. Buy Zep orange cleaner. Squirt it straight, not diluted, all through the bilge. Scrub with a scrub brush or pressure spray washer. Every nook and cranny, from the anchor locker in the bow, to the aft corners. There will be 20 plus years of gook in every corner. It is the only way. After that, I don't know...

Side windows, American Marine. Try google.


Posted: Jul 3rd, '07, 16:43
by Bill P
American Marine
1790 S.W. 13th Court, Pompano BEACH, FL.
Phone # 954-782-1401
ask for Christian

Posted: Jul 3rd, '07, 18:18
by In Memory Walter K
If you've leaked any anti freeze into the bilge at any time, you can get a fungal growth that has a sickeningly sweet smell. Pour Clorox into the bilge water a few times and it will kill it. Walter

Posted: Jul 3rd, '07, 19:27
by Doug Crowther
a note on side windows-send yours in as patterns. Thudd and I recently spent a weekend switching my sliders over to one piece non-opening. We took a pattern from one window and set the frame aside while Timmy cut the glass. We picked up the opposite frame by mistake and the glass was off about an 1 1/4 inches. Amazing that there was so much of a difference between p&s.

Posted: Jul 4th, '07, 07:54
by Brewster Minton
You might check the hoses on the head. Even when they look ok smell can come from them. Just a thought.

Posted: Jul 4th, '07, 11:00
by Ironman
head hoses... I agree, I just had a guy tell me they had to change the formula for hose making because of the permeating rubber..
good call Brewster

Posted: Jul 4th, '07, 17:36
by Brewster Minton
Thanks Wayne, Its something I learned through much pain and sufferring on my big boat. Now I have incinolet heads, no hoses.


Posted: Jul 5th, '07, 09:48
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Brewster, I've been considering Incinolet for a shore side toilet where sewage restrictions are tight. Have you been satisfied with yours? Waht are the power requirements?

Posted: Jul 5th, '07, 11:05
by Rawleigh
Marine Clean by POR 15. Amazing stuff!! Expensive, but worth it.

Posted: Jul 5th, '07, 11:42
by Matt29
I've got to second the Marine Clean. That really is great stuff. I tried it out on Rawleigh's recommendation and have been very impressed with the stuff.

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 00:27
by Rawleigh
Glad you liked it Matt.

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 01:08
by Ironman
Mike: I saw one of those turd burners at the local boat junkyard.. (new) wanna price on it?


Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 08:38
by Capt. Mike Holmes

They make them in Fort Worth, Texas, and I've been in contact with the company (trying to get a discount). They send me flyers when they have a promotional sale, seems like it would be cheaper and more environmentally friendly than a septic system - which you can't use in most coastal situations here anymore, anyway. Next time you go by, glance at th price - but don't make a special trip for it.

My son gave me a DVD of some of Guy Harvey's TV shows for father's day. The most interesting segment was on the California white sea bass. They were with Bill Shedd and Bill Boyce, visited the hatchery and rearing pens, then fished around Catalina.

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 08:48
by Rawleigh
Brewster: What kind of power does that thing draw?

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 08:54
by scot
What's the details on the turd burners? do they work, discharge?


Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 09:35
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Scot, They literally burn all waste, electrically. The only "discharge" is ash, which is collected in a liner that can be taken out once a week - with heavy use - and dumped in the regular garbage. I don't know what it smells like while processing waste, but if it works as advertised - approved by the Coasties and other regulatory bodies - I don't see why they aren't required in coastal areas. As a species, we've been dumping too much poop in the water for way too long.

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 10:18
by scot
Mike....I agree on the "too much poop" I have no concept of what comes down the rivers in India and China, millions of tons a day.

Brewster, what does that thing smell like when it's cookin? Can it keep up with a bunch of guy's drinkin beer and eatin fried chicken & burritos all day? Assuming your in the bay of course.

Posted: Jul 6th, '07, 19:05
by Brewster Minton
It says it will handle 8 men for seven days before you have to empty ash and it run on 110v 30amp. The smell gets pulled throgh the unit and the catalitic converter heats it so it does not smell.

Posted: Jul 7th, '07, 00:46
by scot it requires a genset. Well at least I was thinking about trying to do the right thing.

Posted: Jul 8th, '07, 00:10
by Ironman
Ivr been walking past that thing for months now.... When I go in yesterday ... The thing sold 2 hrs earlier.
Huh , I wonder if someone,from here saw this thread?>


Posted: Jul 8th, '07, 07:33
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Wayne, thanks for looking, anyway.