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Account Management and then some

Posted: Jun 28th, '07, 08:44
by Capt Dick Dean
Last night's cocktail hour got a little out of whack. I was telling Maureen who just happens to be the title owner of the Irish Wake, about the up coming trips this season. There are two long trips,ie AC and Montauk. I should say that before the drinks were still yet to be mixed, I mentioned that the price of gas is going south ( no offense, guys).

"How much gas do you burn going to AC?", she asked.

"Not that much because we do a straight shot down saving fuel that we would use hugging the shore line"

" I can't beleive you don't know. You seem to know everything about going here or there with the family and how much gas we're burning. The kids think your a cheapskate."

"Well I'm going to tell you how it goes. Last fall when gas was cheaper, I filled up the tank. That gas is still in the tank. The gas we got last week is being used now."

"Gimme a break."

" This is the reason I run things around here and you've got to admit things are pretty good so far. I'm using the inventory system called 'LIFO'. That means that the gas that was put in last gets used first. Think about it. The gas from last fall is still in the tank so the trip to AC will not cost that much. Kabish?

Then the tv was turned on.

Drinking alone is not good!

Posted: Jun 28th, '07, 09:40
by RussP
I think they call that cost averaging.
Stop being a ceap skate and fill her up & run her hard. You can't spend it when your dead.


Posted: Jun 29th, '07, 07:52
by IRGuy
Nine points for the attempt.. four points for the execution!

Sorry.. you don't make it to the second round!

Posted: Jun 29th, '07, 10:33
by MikeD@Lightningshack

I can't recall what you did or do for a living, but you missed your calling if you weren't an accountant.

A place like ENRON would have made you the CFO with that kind of out of the box thinking!

I like it... LOL

Posted: Jul 1st, '07, 08:16
by Capt Dick Dean
I still haven't found a calling. Some say they can't believe that in fifty yrs that I still don't know what I want to be. Hell, I know who I am but what I want to be is a question mark.
I'm writing a book on repairing and installing drive trains in boats. Should be in the book stores in time for the Atlantic City gathering. I'll be on "H" dock for book signings.