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Posted: Jun 20th, '07, 17:48
by JimmyG
I know this isn't related to Bertram's but I'm busting at the seems to tell everyone. I am as proud as I could be of my son he is on ACCC college archery team and has been shooting all over the nation and is ranked 4th in the country he was then asked to represent USA againt 60 other countries in 25th Torneo Batalla De Carabobo international World university Archery Championships in Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela. He e-malied us today it's actually pretty funny even though they are in deplorable conditions!

"Yes mom it is def. roughing it out here i went to the bathroom last night while we were all talking before i fell asleep i went into the bathroom to get a tissue and i turned on the light and 8 cockroaches went running all over i was whacking the s#!t out of them and i am so good that only one got away!! lol i shot amazing today and i am in first place!!!! i will tell you more on the phone tonight. i wear my flip flops in the shower and at all times i never touch this skeevy ground!!!! ewwwww! i took more pics today and i am having a great time i miss you and love you bye!!!


Posted: Jun 20th, '07, 18:19
by mike ohlstein
Tell him to stop at the Tropic Star Lodge on his way back, and we'll buy him a few kool-aids......

Posted: Jun 20th, '07, 19:08
by randall
thats really great!!!...i'm sure he has a boatload of folks rooting for him now

Posted: Jun 20th, '07, 19:46
by kscheben
What a great story Jimmy. He sounds like a great kid; you have reason to be proud!



Posted: Jun 20th, '07, 20:42
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Good for your son, glad he's doing well - BUT, he'd never cut it at Port Eads, where Palmetto bugs share the bathroom and sand crabs get in Rick's hair.

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 07:31
by IRGuy
Congrats to you and your wife for raising a fine example of what young Americans can be with the right support and guidance!

I wish him well!

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 07:37
by Rawleigh
Tell him to kick some Venezulan butt!! Good job!!

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 10:18
by JimmyG
Thanks guys Day one was a good one for Steven he won a gold medal at 90 meters and a Silver at 70 Meters and he is in first place overall!

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 10:33
by Dug
Pretty damned cool Jim. Pretty damned cool!

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 10:44
by AndreF
Good for both of you!
We're all proud.

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 12:47
by JohnD
Jimmy, A big congrats to Steven and you!! and thanks for sharing the good news with us.



Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 13:35
by Charlie
Great news Jimmy. I hope he is waving the flag and kicking butt.

Posted: Jun 21st, '07, 16:42
by Carl
Must be in the Bertram blood, I used to small bore target shoot, placed in the nationals...started thinking about going further but then my attention shifted towards girls.
Sounds like he's got it going on, best of luck to him and I can see why you would be proud.

Posted: Jun 22nd, '07, 12:05
by Capt Dick Dean
The kid's a winner like his Dad. Nothing but good things for the Faithful.

Posted: Jun 22nd, '07, 15:28
by JimmyG
I just got the call I was waiting for GOLD!!! Steve just got done shooting olyimpic rounds, #1 in the world(college)!!!

Posted: Jun 22nd, '07, 17:37
by Rawleigh
SWEET!!! Congratulations to both of you!!!

Posted: Jun 22nd, '07, 20:57
by John F.

That's outstanding. Congratulations.

John F.

Posted: Jun 22nd, '07, 21:11
by Harry Babb
Congratulations Jimmy............its obvious that you are a proud dad and should be

I am proud for you

Harry Babb