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Bug prevention

Posted: Mar 28th, '22, 16:41
by Amberjack
A thread inspired by the Generator or Battery post.

On the East Coast you guys have flies. We have mosquitos and interestingly their behavior varies by location. As said on the Gen/Batt thread Walsh Cove mosquitos are big and aggressive, evolved to cope with moose and grizzlies. They’re also starving. In the berth at night when one homes in you hear a fast, increasing buzz then a whap when they hit and you start bleeding.

Cortes Bay mosquitos have to survive the Purple Martins that nest along the dock and feed them to their young. The big ones must all have been eaten generations ago because modern Cortes Bay mosquitos are tiny and there are millions of them. They swarm you to death.

Seattle mosquitos are what you might expect. They dither around for ever to the point you just want them to make up their mind and either go away or come in for the bite to get it over with.

Re: Bug prevention

Posted: Mar 28th, '22, 19:46
by Ironworker

In the southeast we have gnat time. Its about 15 minutes before dark and last until about 1 hour after dark. I admit we retreat into the safety of indoors as the outside is not fit for man nor beast.

Re: Bug prevention

Posted: Mar 29th, '22, 06:49
by CamB25
Rick - we call them "no-see-ums" Also get them in the early am. They will carry you off in still breeze. Mosquitos don't bother me, but those No-See-Ums drive me nuts!!


Re: Bug prevention

Posted: Mar 29th, '22, 08:28
by ktm_2000
a couple more to add to the list

in May / June there is Black fly season in Maine - those bugs are persistent and bite

In the saltmarshes around my area are the green-headed horse fly - they can take a chunk out of you

Re: Bug prevention

Posted: Mar 30th, '22, 21:54
by Tony Meola
Come to NJ. The Green Heads will carry you away, if the mosquitos don't get you first. If you get lucky and the wind is blowing right your get nasty black flies that love to take chunks out of you.