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Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 01:09
by Yannis

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 06:41
by Carl
Looks like you were about to use the boat and enjoy! I have to say some great scenery, many would make a fantastic Post Card. I was a bit hungry after looking at those simple, so good!

DId you dive for the sea urchin or found a place to buy? Any way you prefer to serve and eat?

Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 11:53
by Rawleigh
Looks like you really have her set up well for what you enjoy! Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 12:28
by PeterPalmieri
Looks like a great season

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 13:56
by CamB25
I get it now. Yannis is running a floating restaurant and bar...very private, of course!! Looks like your usual good time!

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 15:17
by Yannis
Haha, thanks boys,

Carl, I dive for the urchins, they are to be eaten imperatively without anything, certainly not rinsed (to get rid of the non edible impurities) in the sea water, because they lose that sweet taste. You cut them open , like you see, and you shake them upside down over your other palm to drop the kaka or whatever it is, the yellow orange eggs are stuck to the shell and don't fall over. The few that do fall are in your other palm!

In the first pics in June you see the dock empty...the hordes of tourists, foreign and local, have not arrived yet.

Yeah, it was a good season, Pete, only this bummer covid with the masks and stuff...

Cam, Rawleigh, I like to cook, I bring all mysterious provisions that I can’t find in the islands from home, wasabi, chartreuse, various dried mushrooms, ....everyone is invited with some short notice! I carry 3 big ikea plastic containers full of provisions...even coca cola no caffeine that is rare in the islands.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 16:06
by beachbum
Nice, I'm envious!

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 18:06
by Yannis
Hey, Mike, I saw a big Pershing but it mustn't have been you!

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 19:04
by DanielM
Yannis, it looked like a very good summer. Glad you had a good time.

To be honest, I never new sea urchins could be eaten. I must have led a sheltered life. Learn something new every day.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 19:45
by Snipe
It looks amazing Yannis now that’s enjoying your boat and summer. Great pics thanks for sharing.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 20:59
by Tony Meola

You really do know how to enjoy the boat. I give you a lot of credit.

One question. Every boat name has a story behind it. Phantom Duck. What is up with that name? I am almost afraid to hear the answer.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 11th, '21, 21:39
by Yannis
Danny, if you ever go to Ireland or Paris, try sea urchins in the clam bars. They're out of this world, huge and full of those yellow eggs. Now, in our case, I have heard so many stories of when you should collect them to be full; one story goes that the moon has to be full or almost, another that the moon has to be in the increasing half...the fact is that this year the sea urchins were not all that full. This can be partially corrected by collecting and eating more!

Tony, my first boat, a Boston Whaler Revenge 26 that we had bought 50/50 with my buddy (who now owns an Albemarle), was also named (by us) Phantom Duck. We chose that name because, like a real phantom, we were planning to cruise unseen by the crowds and going to places where we would be alone in secluded beaches and the like. So, when the new opportunity arose with the Bertram, I repeated that same name WITHOUT adding the 2 or II or similar !!

Phantom Duck was the Disney hero Donald Duck who, just like Super Goofy, could become a super creature by eating a peanut. He would then seek revenge for the poor and help them in their difficulties. There was also an elusive element with Donald becoming Phantom in that nobody knew that this superduck was in fact the real Donald duck, so, there you have it.
I believe Phantom Duck was a Disney character alright, but was not invented in the US, so you probably don't know about him. The Phantom Duck character was invented by Scarpa, the Italian Micky Mouse magazine chief designer, sometime in the 50’s.
As kids, we were reading a lot of Micky Mouse and probably the translated Italian version, that’show I know about him!
But you're damn right, I’d be afraid to ask too!
(Very seldom would one see a boat name revolving around fishing, like “reel thing” etc, simply because we almost never use the boats for fishing).

Jason, still, for the 9th consecutive summer, I didn't manage to hit 100 days at sea, which is my unattained goal. This year it was around 90 again, always something happens and I come back early!

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 13th, '21, 15:37
by Tommy
Thanks for sharing, Yannis! It is great fun to see how guys on the Board use their Bertrams. I, too, was curious about the boat name; so thank you for sharing. Here's wishing you and the others a great fall boating season.

Re: Sum Pics 2021

Posted: Oct 13th, '21, 21:30
by Tony Meola

That is an interesting way of figuring out a name for a boat.

The Phantom Duck did appear in the US and yes it was of Italian Origin.

The Duck Avenger, also known as Phantom Duck (and named Paperinik in the original Italian version) is Donald Duck's alternate identity.