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Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 13th, '20, 22:33
by Ttownthomas
Re: Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 16th, '20, 15:34
by captbone
I love the swim platforms. It is a beautiful boat.
What was the final top speed Cam?
Re: Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 17th, '20, 07:37
by CamB25
I don't know what instagram is all about, but that's my boat. Can I collect royalties somehow?
Capt. Bone - It hits 45 mph, but I never had a chance to complete a scientific test before the steering went south. 10 hours of run time and it's been on the trailer for going on 3 months. I gave up on the local-ish dealer and towed it to South Carolina last week hoping for better luck.
Re: Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 17th, '20, 07:48
by CamB25
And I think the 45mph was before I built the T-top, so that number will likely go down.
Re: Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 24th, '20, 01:28
by Ttownthomas
Whats your steering issue?
Re: Cams B25 just showed up on instagram
Posted: Nov 24th, '20, 17:21
by CamB25
Evinrude dynamic power steering. Started making noise and being unresponsive. Evinrude says it needs updated pressure sensors which is a big job - pull engine, separate midsection, take everything apart, try not to screw it up going back together, keep fingers crossed. Evidently this is a known issue with earlier models. I had to haul it 6 hours round trip to a dealer that can actually do the work.
Grrrr... Thankful it's the end of the season and not the beginning.