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Attaboy for Brewster!!!

Posted: May 22nd, '07, 23:12
by IRGuy
I hope I am not out of line here for taking up a new line when what I am actually doing is adding some info to my earlier post about the best way to get into Sag Harbor. Please understand that I do not want this post to be lost and ignored behind a dozen or so above it...

Many of you with local knowledge responded here, and the information from all was very much appreciated.. thank you all!

But, I would be remiss without telling you here that only several hours after I first made the post I received a direct email from Brewster Minton. He simply said he would personally meet my friend outside of Shinnecock Inlet and lead him through. I was overwhelmed, and my friend was even more so! To offer to a complete stranger to personally go out of your way and meet him and lead him to safety is to me the sign of a true gentleman and in the very highest traditions of the sea. I can only hope that I would act in the same way if I could help a stranger at sea.

So, Faithful.. know that there is one among you who has set a fine example of what we all might hope to be! Brewster.. I would be proud to follow in your wake anytime!

Thank you!

Posted: May 22nd, '07, 23:29
by mike ohlstein
And he makes a nice sandwich.....

Posted: May 23rd, '07, 04:35
by RussP
A really good Crab Cake too!!!


Posted: May 23rd, '07, 07:46
by randall
not the slightest bit surprised.......the longer you live in this (bertram ) world the more folks and actions like this seem to be the norm.......what seperates us from the brewster has a very interesting 31.....form follows function

Posted: May 23rd, '07, 09:26
by In Memory Walter K
And his smoked fish platter is delicious! Walter

Posted: May 23rd, '07, 09:38
by Capt Dick Dean
I was going to suggest that the boat be left in Jersey and forrgettaboutit. But now a gentleman has stepped forward!

Hey, who is this guy?