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trim tabs

Posted: Aug 14th, '20, 16:17
by Cturtle
In talking to different Bertram brothers. Some say they use trim tabs while others say they never touch them. Since my boat didn't have them when I bought her I was flirting with buying a set but not if they don't make that much difference.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 14th, '20, 17:52
by HotSpot
I'm listening too...

My boat does not have them, but the owner of a 25 hardtop that I almost bought did. When we sea-trialed the boat, he put the tabs down into a head-sea (maybe 2-3 footers). He said that this improved the cruising comfort by cutting the bow down through the waves. The ride did seem pretty flat. In the same conditions my boat pounds a lot. I can never figure the correct speed and my people get tossed around. But a 25 is a different beast from a 31, and a Sport Convt is different than a Hardtop, Sport Fish, etc...

There are lots of threads on this board if you haven't gone through them yet while waiting for the collective on the most recent opinions.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 14th, '20, 20:37
by Tooeez
I have them on my 28, but only use them some of the time. They do work well in a tight head sea, but I use them mostly to offset any list. The only spot in a 28 cabin for passengers to sit is the dinette, and 2 or 3 people on one side of the boat pushes that side down--tabbing the opposite side takes most of the list out.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 14th, '20, 22:42
by Tony Meola
You will find varying thoughts on tabs on a 31. If I had to guess I would say the majority of 31s dont have tabs.

Those that do have tabs use them to correct list as people move around the boat or to lower the bow in a head sea. Since I have never had tabs on our boat I can't say how well they work for helping with improving performance.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 07:32
by Craig Mac
I don't have tabs----compared to a lot of boats that I have fished on---my boat runs very level--I don't see a need to get the bow down.

There may be a need for listing but don't think its worth it.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 08:31
by Carl
It's a hot topic...or was.

A cruise over 20 knots boat runs perfect without.

A slower cruise you will gain speed, economy and a better ride with some tab.

Of course running fast in seas with tab you run the chance of bow digging in coming off a wave. But running in seas I don't use the tabs

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 13:09
by PeterPalmieri
I have 454s and my boat came with tabs. I use them as Tony said for weight balance. If everyone is sitting inside at the table and there is a cross wind. Also as Carl said at a 14-16 JT cruise leveling the boat off can be helpful and get you close to 1kt at the same RPM. Over 20 kts I don’t find them useful and some say the extra planing surface is a negative.

If I didn’t have them I personally wouldn’t spend the money. For someone like Carl who’s going to spend most of his time below 20kts I think they’d have a benefit but certainly not essential.

While folks here generally love to talk about speed and efficiency, I’ve found over the last 10 years this boats biggest east advantage over a outboard CC is the ability to easily stay on plane at 13-15kts.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 15:20
by Charlie J
never had them on my 31 bahia mar
and never felt the need for them

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 15:24
by Reelcrazy
i think you're charlie. I''ve had my bahia for 24 yrs never had tabs

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 15:25
by Reelcrazy
sorry meant to say i think you're right charlie

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 07:54
by John Swick
I liken them to power windows and mirrors in a vehicle.
To each there own.

Re: trim tabs

Posted: Aug 16th, '20, 15:01
by Carl
Charlie J wrote:never had them on my 31 bahia mar
and never felt the need for them
I ran my boat for a good 15 years before I felt I could use them. It was after installing a larger fuel tank that added more weight aft that I noticed a loss of low speed cruising. After I installed a pair there is hardly a time now I do not use them when running.

Do I need them, nope. But with a little tab I can usually gain some speed at the same RPM, or change the boats attitude smoothing out the ride.