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First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 07:21
by CamB25
Mine. It was a good day! Softwares updated, steering bled, all systems why not! ... tI4DVCmCRB

It was all a blur, but she ran well. Everything works. The boat is too light in the stern (see lens-fogged picture) and the prop may not be 100% perfect, . I have some more weight to add to the boat in the form of gear, T-top, upholstery, etc.

Saw 45mph-ish at 6000. Bow thruster works! More testing this weekend.

Thanks for all of your encouragement over the last 10 years!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 07:39
by ktm_2000

That's phenomenal that you've finally got to get a ride on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You state that she's too light in the stern, how are you judging that?

And being too light is not a problem if you haven't added any gear on board. Did you still only have 40 gallons of gas on board?

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 08:04
by mike ohlstein

Now what are you going to do........

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 08:19
by John F.
Fantastic. I can't imagine how great that was. I'm looking forward to seeing her out on the Bay. Congratulations

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 08:23
by Carl
Hey...wheres the fenders???? Hope you didn't put a mark on that perfect paint job!!

Looks great!
So happy the ride went well for you...

Adding weight is an easy fix...that is if you need it, after you add the few odds and ends. Weight adds up quick, you'd never guess how much a couple pounds of sinkers can weigh ;-0

When you mentioned taking boat to have final motor tweaks and steering bled, finally be done!! then waiting till the weekend to sea trial...

all I kept thinking

If it were me,

I'd Bee-Line to the first boat ramp possible and take her for a cruise.

10 years working on a boat, have it done, sitting on a trailer and driving it, deciding to wait till the weekend to sea trial.

Man!...this guy is patient !!

Patient with a capitol "P"

Congratulations!! well deserved!

Now comes the fun part...enjoying her!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 08:26
by Joseph Fikentscher
Congrats!! Great work. Looks fantastic! 45MPH Wow!!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 09:08
by PeterPalmieri
It's been a long road so far, glad to see her get wet. Now get some fish guts on her. CONGRATS

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 10:33
by Rawleigh
Wow, at long last!! Congratulations, it looks great.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 12:55
by Charlie J
real nice worth the effort you put in
shes stunning

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 15:08
by CamB25
You guys are being too nice! I'll get some more photos this weekend. It's fun to talk to young people about the project. They always ask "how long?" When I tell them, their faces go completely blank. A twenty year old cannot process the fact that it took 10 years. Seems like no more than 8 to me! :-D

That G2 has some balls and sounds very mean when you get her going! Perfect!

Lots more to do...need a pipe guy and some upholstery!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 15:42
by ktm_2000
We need more and better pics!!!! I wish I lived closer and if I did I'd offer to take some for you.

Here's a pic I took of my buddies boat that he just finished restoring

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 15:46
by Carl
CamB25 wrote:That G2 has some balls and sounds very mean when you get her going! Perfect!

Some pictures and a nice video with sound would be nice...but please have someone do the video and keep your eyes on the water...don't need any accidents.

CamB25 wrote:You guys are being too nice!

Don't get used to it, we're still in shock that the boat actually made it into the water.

CamB25 wrote: A twenty year old cannot process the fact that it took 10 years.

I'm fairly certain a particular 50+ year old can't process the fact it took 10 years.
See the shocks wearing off already...

CamB25 wrote: Lots more to do...need a pipe guy and some upholstery!
Shouldn't take more then what... 6 years or so for that.
Yup, the shocks gone.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 17:25
by neil
Boat looks awesome,we have a 1964 moppie,with twin 3 liters ios,we also have to many boats to do what you did,awesome job enjoy it

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 18:44
by Stephan
Don't worry about more weight - just take fat friends fishing...
Kind regards,

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 19:11
by Dug

F%$#$%g gorgeous!!!!!!


Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 20:38
by Yannis
Yoohooo! Bravo Cam, enjoy!!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 20:44
by DanielM
Cam. That is awesome! Congratulations on a job well done.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 21:08
by Tony Meola

Looks great. Hey 10 years. I remember oh what was it about two years ago we had to talk down off the ledge. You were about to walk away from her. Now after all that it was well worth it. Great job.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 23:16
by mike ohlstein
If only Water, UV, Captain Pat, and Terry had lived to see this.......

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 4th, '19, 05:33
by John Swick
Great job Cam.
That water line will drop a good inch or two once you finish fitting it out.
Enjoy the roses.
The next one will only take half the time.
The one after that, half again.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 4th, '19, 12:06
by cariedl
Congratulations. She looks great in the water. I love the original hardware on the bow, mixed with flush midship cleats and modern console and windshield. It looks brand new, with a nod to boat's past. Way to go!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 4th, '19, 12:42
by CamB25
cariedl wrote:Congratulations. She looks great in the water. I love the original hardware on the bow, mixed with flush midship cleats and modern console and windshield. It looks brand new, with a nod to boat's past. Way to go!
Thanks! That was the idea...kind of a re-birth with memories.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 4th, '19, 17:47
by Hueso

You made it! Blessings to the vessel and engine. May you enjoy it for a thousand years!

David "Hueso" Fernandez

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 5th, '19, 16:15
by MarkS
Perfect place for a “Like” button.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 5th, '19, 18:05
by Rocket
Cam, Fantastic! Executing on your vision, sticking to it. Doing and re-doing things until they were just right, sticking to your principles - Incredible.

I'm happy that your marriage survived this project, now my question is: Will it survive you being finished?!?

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 5th, '19, 19:50
by jrhaszard
Absolutely gorgeous, super job

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 6th, '19, 07:32
by Seapalm
Awesome! Congrats!

It’s been a longtime coming with lots of hard work, proud of you Cam! We have been on this journey with you...
even though we have never formally met, I feel like I know you and a friend who has been patiently waiting!

What size outboard did you mount on her transom?

Have you weighed her on the scales and if so what did she weigh?

Beautiful and well done!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 6th, '19, 19:47
by captbone

Congrats!!!!! It must have been an amazing feeling. You have a beautiful head turning boat with quality better then anything you can buy.

Where did the time go? 13 years ago, I was on dreaming of my OB conversion.

You work has been impressive and we all enjoyed following it. Cheers!

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 7th, '19, 15:01
by ktm_2000

How did it go this weekend? Hopefully you got out and got the chance to spend a few hours on the rig. What are your impressions of the ride?

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 7th, '19, 19:24
by scot
Congratulations buddy. All this started for you and I on the 25 Bertram board, now you are in the water.. I'm still sanding! It looks great. ENJOY :-)

BTW Don't feel bad, 90% of 25 Berts are too light LOL.. there is a bunch of hull volume in these boats.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 9th, '19, 10:02
by CamB25
arrgh. no running this weekend. boat is resting in the driveway in VA. I had to run to NC last Friday night to handle family crisis (elder care). Not sure when I'll get back.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 9th, '19, 12:26
by Carl
Cam, sorry to hear.
But its first things first, boat will be there waiting for you till you return.

Just think how glad you should be you decided to giver her a twirl when you did instead of waiting for the weekend.

Re: First ride on a Bertram

Posted: Oct 11th, '19, 17:24
by Ttownthomas
Congratulations!!! Looking great