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B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 17:13
by Ttownthomas
Newly acquired B25 had a huge wiring mess. I simply started removing wires that were either connected to the old unsafe AC system, connected to nothing, or connected to something that did not work. Not sure how many hundreds of feet of wire I've removed but it is quite a bit.


Re: B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 19:07
by ktm_2000
Wow, what's left? and does it still work?

You must have worked for hours to trace everything

Re: B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 20:36
Unbelievable -- I am glad mine did not look that when I bought mine. My question would be where and how to begin. It was a floating accident waiting to happen.

Re: B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 21:07
by Ttownthomas
wires that had 1 end completely unhooked: 3 old unused transducers, 2 sets of vhf radio power and ground, loads of ac wire with a rusted convertor, a broken autopilot, 2 sets of unused stereo wiring with FM antenna wiring and a few sets of wires that went to nothing.

Re: B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 22:20
by Tony Meola

Remember that old wire is money at the scrap yard. Don't throw it out.

Re: B25 Wiring boondoggle removal

Posted: Jun 24th, '19, 01:14
by Yannis
Rewiring is a time consuming ordeal.
More than 100 meters of trash cables and faulty connections...