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Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 29th, '19, 07:59
by CamB25
Looking for a good dielectric grease for coating battery terminals, terminal strips, etc. I've used the liquid electrical tape products successfully in the past, but I want something that is translucent. Is Corrosion X still the go-to product? Spray and forget?


Re: Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 29th, '19, 08:44
by 1962 31

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 29th, '19, 21:57
by DanielM

For another option, I use Penetrox A on my battery cables, it’s available at your local electrical supply company and is actually made for aluminum to aluminum connections in electrical work. It’s a good vapor barrier and oxide-inhibiter and keeps corrosion to a minimal on my batteries. It comes in a 8 oz squeeze bottle.

But it wouldn’t be good cosmetically on your terminal strips as the dang stuff is messy. Looks a lot like never-seize and is used as an anti-seize compound as well. Messy, but does a great job excluding corrosion.

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 30th, '19, 05:09
by Charlie J
yes i agree with dan penetrox
if i was still working i would send you some

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 30th, '19, 06:51
by CamB25
Thanks! You are reminding me that I need to pick up some Penetrox. I'm in charge of the electrical work for my detached garage (yes, I pulled a permit!). The electrician doing the house told me I needed this for something, but now I can't remember....too many projects. Might be for the aluminum wire connections inside the CB box?

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: Apr 30th, '19, 17:26
by John Swick
Well if it's good enough for airplanes...…
You get what you pay for.
There's some stuff put out by Boeing that's even more expensive, but I can't tell the difference in the results.

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: May 1st, '19, 00:25
by Yannis
FWIW since I'm very poor in electrics and electronics, my electrician told me that you should never spray WD 40 on them, because it's a fire hazard.
Instead, he proposed the best (to him) spray, the Q 20.
Also, he said to never ever add any grease or vaseline or anything on the battery poles, just leave then like that.
I did just that and they never rot or rust ...I guess there are so many solutions to the same problem!

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: May 5th, '19, 19:07
by WAC
I have always used corrosion block. It foams when you spray it so it is more controlled than corrosion x. Used to cover my outboard engines in the stuff then lightly wipe off. Keeps everything from sticking to it and absolutely no corrosion. A little oily when you work on them but every outboard I have owned always came apart when needed with no issues. Just repeated every forth or fifth trip out to keep showroom appearance. Great for when you sell it as well.

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: May 6th, '19, 06:36
by CamB25
Thanks, Wayne, I'll give it a try. I tried the Corrosion X in the trigger sprayer yesterday...very messy.

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: May 6th, '19, 08:46
by WAC
Cam, just keep a rag handy to wipe away the excess. I have had a trigger spray bottle of corrosion x for about 10 years. I only use it when I can drip it on something. I agree very messy. Works great when you use it though.

Re: Corrosion X

Posted: May 6th, '19, 14:33
by Rawleigh
Or wrap the towel around the plug before you spray.