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Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 3rd, '19, 10:10
by Bertramp
Hi Folks ...
As you may know, I live in Ft. Lauderdale on a canal.
I recently purchased an under-water light for my dock. It floats off of a dive weight and with the aid of the electronic eye, comes on at dark and has attracted CRAZY amounts of fish.
Lots of catfish, a few flat fish that swim/float kinda sideways (not a flounder or fluke) a bunch of unidentified fish and a Tarpon that is about 30" long.
I feed them canned (fishy) cat food and any protein table scraps.
They all come out for a free meal and are actually getting fat.
The Tarpon however, never seems to eat at feeding time. It comes out, swims around, seems healthy, but doesn't partake of the free vittles.
The smaller fish aren't running from him, so I guess he's not attacking them ....or am I just missing his "hunting trips" ?

Re: Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 3rd, '19, 20:48
by Tony Meola

Nice.. You are probably missing his feeding time. I am sure he eats well. He just may not like his choice's at your dock.

You need to set up a Salt Water Tank. Get a throw net and see what you get under the lights and put the small ones in the tank. That would be cool.

By the way, how are the Hillsdale girls treating you?

Re: Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 3rd, '19, 21:36
by DanielM

We had an underwater light when we lived on a canal in here in Texas. We loved it. Most times it would either be filled with a huge tornado of small bait fish or 2-3 good sized red fish on the prowl. My wife would keep a light spinning real with a lure on it by the garage door. Some nights she’d look down from the deck and declare “I’m going to go catch THAT one” It was a blast in the murky water off my deck in Texas. I’m sure it’s great in Ft. Lauderdale.

I still would like to buy you a cold one sometime when we fly into FLL. I’ll send you a text the next time I go through there with a little bit of free time and see if you’re around. We should be down there a couple times this year.


Re: Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 4th, '19, 12:56
by Bertramp
Tony Meola wrote:Steve

Nice.. You are probably missing his feeding time. I am sure he eats well. He just may not like his choice's at your dock.

You need to set up a Salt Water Tank. Get a throw net and see what you get under the lights and put the small ones in the tank. That would be cool.
I travel back and forth to the north. This way, I don't need a feeder or to clean a tank.

By the way, how are the Hillsdale girls treating you?
The Hillsdale girls (daughters) are now married and are Jersey Moms.

Re: Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 4th, '19, 12:58
by Bertramp
DanielM wrote:Steve,

I still would like to buy you a cold one sometime when we fly into FLL. I’ll send you a text the next time I go through there with a little bit of free time and see if you’re around. We should be down there a couple times this year.

Would love to have you stop by ....Please let me know

Re: Natural Aquarium

Posted: Apr 5th, '19, 22:22
by Tony Meola

Congratulations on the married daughters. Next thing you will be telling us you are on your way to being a Grandfather.