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Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 16th, '19, 08:06
by Marshall Mahoney
Pelicans have set up shop in a big semi-circle around the fish cleaning station, waiting for an easy meal. I told the marina that I would buy "Don't feed the birds" signs if they would help enforce them -- but the are wishy washy on the idea. The pelicans like my boat in particular-- best view of the cleaning station I suppose. I would post pictures of the mess they leave behind, but I don't think you could handle it because they are so disgusting... I set up monofilament trip wires around the gunnels and some plastic orange cones to keep them off, but to no avail. I don't think that plastic owls or rubber snakes would have any effect. I was thinking about motion activated water sprinklers, but the pelicans are probably too stupid to notice that they are getting blasted. Any ideas? Also, bleach does not cut thru their crap. I have resorted to acid, which works better but not great -- any cleaning chemicals that have worked for you?

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 16th, '19, 09:56
by Yannis
The only thing I know about pelicans is Petros (Peter) who is the mascott of Myconos island. Oh, and the pens.

An idea came to my mind, why not try to immitate what they do in airports with falcon voices comming out of loudspeakers along the runway. You could perhaps install a mini version of it which, if it cannot be activated by the pelicans themselves, at least you could make it play for a few seconds every 20 mins or so!

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 16th, '19, 10:48
by mike ohlstein

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 16th, '19, 22:10
by Tony Meola

I take it they are sitting on the boa t. How a bout s om etching like this. ... ecordNum=1

Or you can set up pl mastic spikes and they also sell as sticky gel. Google bird repelents.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 16th, '19, 22:55
by Tommy
I think Mean Mike’s punt gun would do the trick; at least it worked for the market hunters in the early 1900’s.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 17th, '19, 08:36
by MarkS
My go to on this would be a couple of Prestoneburgers.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 17th, '19, 18:08
by Marshall Mahoney
As far as the "falcon speakers," I talked to a guy that is trying it on his boat. He said he saw two pelicans fu#*ing on it last night. I put a big ugly tarp on the back of the boat today. I'll see how long that lasts. On a good note, purple driveway cleaner worked good on the deck...

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 17th, '19, 22:02
by Tony Meola
Problem with the purple stuff is it strips the way off the boat.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 18th, '19, 07:44
by Carl
I'll be no help to you...but

But one of the suggestions had me thinking of our last house.

I was working stupid hours, getting home 9-10pm, kids were young, Doreen was beat and she'd be sleeping on couch or up in bed by the time I got in.
A couple times I thought I heard monkeys screeching or jungle noises...then nothing as I walked into the house.
I'd heat up my dinner, watch some tv, couple times I'd hear something on a commercial or as I closed up house and headed to bed, I'd Open door, look around, we were on a dead end...I saw nothing, heard nothing, then an elephant.
Went on for awhile. Some nights I heard, other nights nothing. Till early one Sunday morning...Loud and clear, Monkeys calling, birds and screeching again and again, an elephant..I'm wide awake like what the hell. Doreen wakes up grabs phone, does a quick dial and starts yelling AL, AL- ITS DOREEN YOUR NEIGHBOR !! YOUR SPEAKERS ON AGAIN, ITS 6AM! CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT IT OFF! WELL GET HERE...

Neighbor was in his late 80's and mostly deaf. He bought this loudspeaker thingy to keep the Geese off from his property. Had it on a timer, was motion controlled and one of the selections was jungle noises starting with Monkeys...I look out my upstairs window and his yard is filled with geese all standing around this black box. My wife is pissed, yelling- - Now the kids are going to get up and...
Apparently this was going on for awhile...He'd screw up the timer, forget to shut, wrong noise setting, highest he wasn't always home to shut it. Cord went into the house so couldn't unplug.

I was just happy as I thought I was losing my marbles...hearing strange noises.

Made for a great day home...

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 18th, '19, 08:38
by Tommy
Like resident geese, these pelicans get real comfortable in their surroundings and stake out their claim. After Bruce and Patrick completed the rebuild on Island Girl we ran her from Singer Island, FL, back to NC. As we idled into Port Canaveral to lay over the first night, a pelican landed on the transom while we were still underway waiting for a handout. He/she had no fear of the crew in the cockpit, and we had to shoo the beggar away. So short of having a Jack Russell Terrier living on your boat or stringing some line to create a web of inconvenience, here's one option that kept seagulls off my boat for a while.

Repeller 360°™ Bird Repellent ... 083009.jpg

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 18th, '19, 14:08
by Rawleigh
Toss them a couple of fish spiked with Black Cat firecrackers!

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 18th, '19, 22:48
by Tony Meola
Rawleigh wrote:Toss them a couple of fish spiked with Black Cat firecrackers!
I don't think we went Marshall arrested.

How about draping that bird netting like they use on fruit trees over their favorite areas. You clean get that at Home Depot.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 19th, '19, 13:55
by ktm_2000
damn maritime sky rats!!! different species different issues, all sky rats.

A while back I had a lobster boat on a mooring and the seagulls would drop crabs and quahogs on the deck to break them open, after their snack would go up and take a nap sitting on my radar taking their dumps on my hard top.

tried plastic owl, mono stringed out between items to trip them, cloth streamers on vhf antennas, I never found a good answer, sorry I couldn't help.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 19th, '19, 15:32
by Yannis
Here they hang cd’s to keep away pigeons. As they swing with the wind they make reflections that scare them away.
Now I know, pigeons are not pelicans, but who knows?

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: Mar 19th, '19, 17:27
by Marshall Mahoney
The tarp I have draped over the back of the boat is keeping them off, but cant possibly last thru a windstorm -- acts like a giant sail and it is likely to pool water. And it was a pain to install. But netting -- great idea. No wind issue, no pooling water, and light weight. We have a winner!

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I'll let you know if it works. Or if I snag a bunch of pelicans in the net.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: May 5th, '19, 08:49
by Marshall Mahoney
The net works great. Pelicans are still stacked up on the dock behind my boat but no birds on the boat. Two people can install it in about 3 minutes. The net has been on the boat for over a month and no pooh pooh! Thanks Tony.

Re: Pelican Problem

Posted: May 5th, '19, 20:50
by Tony Meola

Glad the net worked. I bet some people are wondering what it is you are doing netting the boat.

By the way, I have never seen it in white. I have only seen it in black.