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Posted: Feb 10th, '19, 20:04
Since it is the first of the year and everyone is starting to work on their taxes and thinking about budgeting for 2019. This would be an appropriate time consider making a contribution to the site so Bruce can budget his expenses for the year. I know it must be difficult for Bruce to operate with an unknown income . I f every one that is going to contribute would do so NOW it would make his life easier. Think of what he does for us and how this ad free site helps all that look at it on a regular basis. Just some of the money saving ideas you get are worth a contribution. All the best and hope everyone has a wonderful year enjoying the best boat on the water. Also try to plan and make the reunions in your area.
The Salty Sato


Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 08:49
by John Nardi
Bruce would you kindly update contact info for contributions to the site...Thanks, John


Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 10:26
by Donmystic1
How many members does the group have. Active / inactive?
How many contribute and what is the average contribution?



Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 14:55
by kipp
My check for $500.00 is on its way to you. Thanks for keeping up the site and keeping this group together.
Been working on Targeted Species final upgrades- Simrads, Nautical Design leaning post,etc. About a month out and will post pics when done.


Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 18:36
by Tommy
Thank you Salty Sato for this timely reminder (by the way, I saw your boat on the lift at Anchorage this weekend and it looks great)!

Bruce & Mean Mike, I echo John Nardi's request to update the "Mailing Address" that shows at the top of the screen, as it still shows Capt. Pat's Llano address. I'm one of the old timers that still uses paper checks.

All right, guys, just pretend that your boat is your Valentine and send a Valentine's gift to Bruce when he posts the updated address.


Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 21:07
thanks Tommy. Look forward to seeing you again at the Morehead City reunion. I am sure Lin will be putting together another great weekend reunion in NC.


Posted: Feb 12th, '19, 09:02
by Bruce
There is a post for donation info above in the announcements section.

Also on the donate tab when it opens click on continue to donate and the info appears.
Every once in a while it's good to clear cookies

Thanks to everyone again for the support. Pat would be happy that the Legend continues.....


Posted: Feb 12th, '19, 13:51
by Tommy
Hey guys, Bruce is referring to the "Please Donate....." language in red above that you can click on. And for those of you who are technologically challenged (like me), here's the snail mail address for those who desire to send a paper check:

Bruce Creamer
3520 consumer st, suite 5,
Riviera Beach, Fla, 33404

As Bruce states, Capt. Patrick would be proud that the Legend continues!


Posted: Feb 14th, '19, 11:28
by Tommy
Don asked: "how many contribute and what is the average donation?". I don't know the answer to these questions, but I will take this opportunity to re-post a message from Vic Roy, or "Uncle Vic" as we knew him. Uncle Vic was one of the first "members" to engage with Capt. Patrick on and they became tight friends through this Board and through Bertram events. Sadly both Uncle Vic and Capt. Patrick have passed, but their passion for our favorite classic lives on thanks to Bruce & Mike, as well as all who support the web site. My check is going out to Bruce today. Here's the encouragement from Uncle Vic from 8 years ago with a few edits by me:

The importance of fundraisers
Post by & In Memory of Vicroy ยป Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:49 am

Faithful - I write to insure that we all are aware that this site - our beloved "sandbox" - is a totally non-commercial labor of love conceived, formerly owned and operated by Capt. Patrick McCrary for our benefit and pleasure. It is only supported by our donations to him. There is no advertising revenue, no dues, or other sources of income to support our site.

Patrick (and now Bruce) would never ask any of us for money - he's just not that kind of guy. But he's now retired and pretty much just lives on social security. He bears the expense of operating this site out of his own pocket. Many of us have financially supported the site over the past eleven years but there are a lot of new Faithful here now that may not realize that our donations are critical to this site remaining open and free.

Each and every one of us that frequents this sandbox is morally obligated to send Patrick (now Bruce) some money to support the site. Its as simple as that - the value we all get , both financially in huge savings of avoiding screw-ups, and the pure laughs DEMANDS that we put our money where our keyboard is.

Just sit down and write a check payable to "Bruce Creamer" (used to be to Patrick McCrary) and mail it - how about including a note from you thanking him for what he does for us? - to him at: C/O RMC, 3520 Consumer St, Suite 5, Riviera Beach, FL 33404....or stuff some green money in an envelope and send it. Many of us send $100 or more, but anything will help.

Again, its our moral obligation to support the sandbox. So do it, and do it right now so you can participate here with a clear conscience.



Posted: Mar 23rd, '19, 10:04
Just a reminder that when you are writing those checks to the IRS in the next few weeks --don't forget to write one more to Bruce to help support Bertram owners favorite website.


Posted: Mar 24th, '19, 18:48
by ktm_2000
Bruce, some funds are on there way via paypal.


Posted: Apr 23rd, '21, 18:52
I think it might be an appropriate time we think about Bruce and our ad and information free site.
The exchange of ideas and places to find parts, materials and ways to modify the creature comforts our boats is well worth a small contribution to the website.
Spring is here and summer is around the corner --it's time to enjoy the best boats on the water


Posted: Apr 23rd, '21, 23:05
by Yannis
I don't know how you guys do it, but personal checks are not known here, they would also complicate the issue with different currencies etc.

Paypal, on the other hand, is demanding a recipient's bank details (bank name, recipient's name, IBAN).
Unless I have those I cannot do anything.
Is there another way?


Posted: Apr 26th, '21, 15:22
by Rawleigh
I just sent a donation via Paypal. I don't have any suggestions right now Yannis.


Posted: Apr 26th, '21, 21:54
by Yannis

Any money transaction in the EU, between bank accounts, is done with the so called IBAN number. This is a 27 digit elongated form of the old bank account number.
I guess this is a method to trace any money laundering or any other fraud.
So, if any of you guys can just supply me with their IBAN, I could make a transfer to them and then you can transfer to Bruce.
As you can understand, I cannot put euros in an envelope, or issue a personal check. Thanks.