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Post hurricane engine issues
Posted: Oct 23rd, '18, 15:29
by farmer
My brother has a 1973 45 Hatteras with huge detroits. Boat survived hurricane Michael but now one engine won't turn over. Pulled injectors seems to be dry, boat did not take on water. Boat was beat up in marina pretty good. Any ideas appreciated? Boat ran day before storm.
Re: Post hurricane engine issues
Posted: Oct 23rd, '18, 22:40
by Tony Meola
When you say it will not turn over, I assume the starter is engaging and the engine is frozen. Maybe water backed up through the exhaust into the cylinder's. Pull all the injectors and see if it spins with all of them out. If it does then I bet you blow water out at least one cylinder. Sounds like hydro lock.
Re: Post hurricane engine issues
Posted: Oct 26th, '18, 21:23
by Pete Fallon
You said the boat got beat pretty bad, in the slip. I would check all the battery connections and grounds for the engine, something might have worked loose from the pounding. I would also check for water into the exhaust backing up from the surge of the waves. Also check the ignition switch water could have worked into it. Good luck.
Pete Fallon
Re: Post hurricane engine issues
Posted: Nov 2nd, '18, 14:59
by farmer
He finally got it to move , soaked in rust penaTrent . Must have got a dab of salt water blown in exhaust.
Re: Post hurricane engine issues
Posted: Nov 22nd, '18, 10:16
by Strela_999
Definitely sounds like it; at least it will be an easy fix, maybe a couple small things will have to be changed, but nothing terrible, it isn't as if the main frame was cracked or something along these lines.