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Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 1st, '18, 09:23
by pschauss
Has anyone here tried this? A quick search of this forum has given me a sense of how much work is involved in removing the original carpet, so I am looking for alternatives.

The carpet has a lot of black stain on it, especially next to the overhead, but it feels dry to the touch and the cabin does not smell. Is there any padding behind the carpet which could be holding moisture and harboring mold which a surface cleaning of the carpet would not remove?

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 1st, '18, 11:24
by bob lico
the black stain could be black mold and could cause a deadly lung disease. you have to wear a protective mask and remove that ugly carpet. the carpet is glued on from Bertram and can be removed numerous ways.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 1st, '18, 13:13
by pschauss
What’s behind it?

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 1st, '18, 16:58
by Yannis
A brown glue that bonds it to the fiberglass.
After you remove the carpet, you have to remove the glue, thats the hard part.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 2nd, '18, 16:54
by Amberjack
Scrape as much of the glue as you can, then use a sander with coarse grit until you see more glass than glue residue. And get a good respirator.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 01:12
by jackryan
Has anyone ever tried to put strips of teak, or any other material directly over the carpet so you don't have to remove it? I'm just thinking there has to be a better solution than going through the process of removing it?? Maybe not?


Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 08:48
by bob lico
the idea is to remove the carpet because the V-berth is dark and moist, perfect conditions to grow the deadly black mold so it must be removed before considering any washable covering.i install an ostrich print leatherette that can be cleaned with" spray nine" that will also kill germs and mold.


Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 09:15
by bob lico

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 11:05
by Tommy
Jack, I agree with Bob. The "mouse hair" material in the V-berth has served it's purpose, and like 25-year old carpet in a basement, get it out.....don't cover it up. The FIRST thing I did was got a pump sprayer and sprayed all the carpet with a 50/50 bleach solution to knock back as much of the mold and mildew spores as possible. I suggest you drench it good a day or so ahead of time and let it dry; then mist it with the same solution the day of removal to keep the dust to a minimum. I then ripped mine out and and used a side-grinder with a course grit sanding pad to sand off the residue, all in one day. As stated above, use a real respirator with replaceable filters, not just a filter mask, as some really dangerous mold will be released from that old carpet (one of the regulars on this board ended up in the hospital after doing this job without protection). I placed a good, strong fan over my bow hatch opening to constantly force fresh air into the work space. With respirator on and using work gloves, vice grip pliers, scrapers and wide putty knives I attacked the project and piece by piece disposed of the remnants in a trash bag. On a lucky pull I might remove a 2X2' section, but mostly it was bits and pieces. Sanding with a side grinder wasn't too bad, but I went through a lot of sanding discs as the old glue gummed them up. You're not trying to get a smooth, finished surface, as that will be accomplished by your covering material. After that I wiped down with acetone. I experienced no adverse problems. I replaced mine with a tight weave, nylon indoor-outdoor carpet material; but I like Bob Lico's choice of material better. This project was well worth the time and effort. If the kids like to sleep in there, or if you're like me and love to nap up there with the bow hatch cracked open, then this project, along with replacing the V-berth cushions, will make for a very nice nest area.

On another note, Jack, I have seen several Bertrams where the owner removed the carpet and made a covering with teak or mahogany strips that resulted in a very attractive finish. I think Bob's choice of material would probably offer some sound deadening qualities and also be more comfortable to lean against.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 13:03
by bob lico
yes, great sound deadening the fabric has a 1/4" thick padded backing and hides any irregularities from glue traces, in addition, a cushion for the little one sleeping in V-berth. i should have mention i took the same precautions with bleach spray and safety equipment---------bad stuff get rid of it.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 3rd, '18, 14:56
by bob lico
while on the subject the grandchildren play and sleep in the V-berth. i have installed a complementary beige colored padded leather ceiling and medical grade pull out tv mount with flat screen tv and X-BOX and every other electronic device grandma insisted we need!!!!!! with A/C,Heat, dehumidification.

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 9th, '18, 20:12
by Stephan
I guess I don't love my kids as much as Y'all.
I rented a carpet steam cleaner from the grocery store - the kind with the attachment for cleaning upholstery and cleaned the carpeting on the side of the v-berth with that. Smelled nice for a while and took on a whiter shade

Re: Cleaning the carpet on the sides of the v-berth cabin

Posted: Sep 14th, '18, 17:04
by jackryan
Bob and Tommy,

Thanks a million for the reply!! As usual, great information!!