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Painting engines

Posted: Apr 28th, '07, 21:20
by gplume
Have a pair of orignal Cummins 504's with many hours and much rust...particuarly the manifolds.

Anyone have any experience with painting old rusty marine engines. Looking for recomendations. Should I prime them? Are there special primers that take the heat? Recomendations on paint? Found that Duplicolor makes a match for the Cummins beige paint. Is this stuff any good?

Posted: Apr 29th, '07, 08:10
by Capn' Tony
I have the same engines. I stay on top of mine year to year by touching them up where needed. The outsides under the mainfolds are the hardest places to spray. I clean them down with acetone, wire brush. Used to prime but gave up on it a few years ago. I found that spray appliance paint works best, the color is a great match and it drys hard.
This is just touch up if I had them out would probably do it differently.

Not sure if all would agree but my 504's look pretty good for their age.

Posted: Apr 29th, '07, 08:44
by randall
one done in the shop...the other done in the boat........just a matter of time and determination.....dremel with wire brush works great on hard to reach spots........the shop refinish i unbolted everything and sand blasted....but from 10 feet away they look the same



Posted: Apr 29th, '07, 12:29
by Rawleigh

Posted: Apr 29th, '07, 17:08
by randall
i used tempo (of course then they immediatly discontinued the color).....but hear por i5 is the best

Posted: Apr 30th, '07, 20:31
by gplume
Thanks for the replies. I am inspired now.

Especially thanks for the pictures,,,,as theysay, seeing is believing.

Best Regards

Posted: May 1st, '07, 07:07
by randall
you welcome......its the modern world....who would have thunk it.....i remember when we had no TV...let alone color or a remote....and now that whole desk top of boxes ,screens, and wires is sittin in my lap while i lay in bed and type this........whats next?

Posted: May 1st, '07, 07:16
by Charlie J
your still using wires

Posted: May 1st, '07, 11:01
by randall wires......keep the macbook pro on the night table next to the bed in the loft..............soon we'll move to the summer bedroom (the one with no heat) and the little note book will live in really is a marvel....still have the desk top hooked up and email stuff from one computer to the other....what a hoot