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Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 28th, '18, 04:45
by David Davidson
I recently started to refit the original foredeck hatch, after filling all holes and painting.
I can’t seem to make it fit now!! If the hinges line up, the forward doesn’t seal and vice versa.

As they are not particularly attractive anyway, what options do I have? If I replace with a modern hatch, how do I go about that (considering everything is now painted)?

Any thoughts?

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 28th, '18, 20:41
by Kevin
The hatch over the v berth right?
Order up some half round weather seal and replace the old worn out seals. The stuff I have used is the peel and stick kind. Not expensive and great for sealing up against water and and leaks. Acetone surface so it's clean and stick the new stuff on.

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 28th, '18, 22:14
by Tony Meola

If it closes without hitting or rubbing then Kevin is correct. You said you patched all the holes, the only holes there would have been would be from the arms that hold it open. Did you change them?

If you did maybe that is also the issue.

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 29th, '18, 07:59
by David Davidson
The hinge holes have also been filled and I can’t seem to drill the holes in the right place for the hatch to fit properly. I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I’ve tried it all ways around.
I may permanently fix it down and fit a glass hatch on top of it. Anyone done that with good results?

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 29th, '18, 09:59
by Carl
The holes are drilled kinda odd. If forward seal is not seated, back of hatch needs to come up a bit. Hate to see you drilling additional holes...but if only off a bit...dremel a slot, get it to seat and work properly, make location then fill remainder of slot back up with glass of marine tex. It should all be covered with hinge and hatch.

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 29th, '18, 18:29
by IRGuy
Two or three years ago I removed the fwd hatch on my 1983 B33 FBC, took the plexi out of it and had it sandblasted professionally. I primed and aluminum painted and then reinstalled the hatch with no problems. Not sure why yours doesnt align with the old holes, but our boats are different.

FYI.. I believe the foredeck hatches on our boats were all made by Bomar. At least the B33s are were. With just the dimensions of the hatch Bomar can determine the details of your hatch and can provide spare parts for them. I bought new clamps and springs and a new rubber gasket. The gasket needed to be coaxed into position but once properly in place the hatch sealed well and all leaks have disappeared.

Re: Foredeck hatch cover

Posted: May 29th, '18, 23:29
by Tony Meola

Rule no. 1 if needing to use old holes never ever fill them then try to re drill.

I would remove the hinges and re fill the holes, then put the cover in place to get every thing lined up. Figure out where you want the hinges then mark and re drill.

Follow the same procedure to set the adjustment arm.