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suprise present

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 20:03
by thereheis
i got a shocker today when me and the wife went to the marine store to get some screws and compass.when i got back to the counter there was a garmin 4kw 36 mile scanner and a complete simard ap16 auto pilot systemsettin on the counter,.soi handed my lil stuff ove to get checked out and the guy rang it up and the wife paid the bill.and when he started to carry all the stuff out he said grab that garmin box and wheres your truck all in the breath. i looked at the wife and she smiled and said well we do need it don't we? i was schocked. so now i am replacing all the old old steering hoses with new i gota keep her for along time now..heck of a way to get out of steering the boat home BUT I LIKE IT ,,,,,


Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 20:19
by Kingfish

Your going to love the AP16. Put one on my boat 1 1/2 yrs. ago. No more driving the boat. Upswell - downswell no problem.

Plug in a way point on along run hit Nav and away you go! Or in the bays us auto mode and the buttons.

Posted: Apr 21st, '07, 13:50
by Rawleigh
Sounds like she was a good catch!!!

Posted: Apr 21st, '07, 22:29
by Dave Kosh R.I.P.
Wow ! You got a heck of a woman there! Dave K

Posted: Apr 22nd, '07, 06:02
by Capt Dick Dean
Does she have a sister? Not for me of course but does she have a sister?

Posted: Apr 22nd, '07, 14:17
by Harv
Does she have a sister? Not for me of course but does she have a sister?
How about for me?