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New Style of Shark Fishing on the Gulf Coast

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 00:01
by Capt. DQ
Well this is one for the story book!, for the ones who are able to get the Sunshine Network. The Florida Fishing Report Thursday night,

Capt. Pat Dineen reporting from the Panhandle region of Florida that a angler in a small boat free gaffed a Green!, yes I said Green!, (1060#) Mako Shark with a flying gaff, swimming down the beach with a Porpoise in its mouth and CAUGHT! the Shark. Story is this fish put on one hell'va show jumping out of the water.

Pictures of this will follow on next weeks show, but will see if I can't get some posted, if they show up in the local sports section before next weeks show or friends.

Damit Man!, don't know what would make somebody be that stupid or better yet, LUCKY! in a small boat with a 1000# Mako jumping around you with a porpoise in its mouth. Starting to be a wild fishing season already, Hang-on Gilligan....the Skipper's coming.


Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 07:36
by Buju
:shock: what the... :shock:

What is the legal status of keeping shortfin makos these days anyways? I've heard conflicting stories of capt's getting hefty fines, and others where it's been a-o-k.... Different regs from the Gulf as opposed to the Atlantic?

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 07:38
by Bruce
They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning,
No one you see, is smarter than he,
And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder,
Flying there under, under the sea!

Not quite fast and smart enough............................

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 09:45
by Rawleigh
I'd love to see those shots!

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 11:46
by Hyena Love
Story I heard went like this:

Cobia/Ling fishing with a VS spinner and 30lb. test. Big mako swims up, and gets hooked up. Doesn't really know he is hooked.

Then, big sportfisher pulls up after hearing the radio chatter. Deckie in sport fisher free gaffs the fish and battles it essentailly old school/hand line style and has the torn up hand to prove it.

Photos are circulating on the I net. Grander or ther abouts, as I recall.

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 12:09
by Capt. DQ
Alright,here is the story, but still a wild story from what was reported last night on the Florida Fishing Report.


Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 14:09
by Rawleigh
"I think we need a bigger boat . . ."

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 14:32
by In Memory Walter K
No way in hell is that a legitimate IGFA record fish. The captain of the larger boat has probably set a record for stupidity for gaffing a green Mako...and then doing it in his head. He's lucky it didn't jump in the boat. If you want to immobilize a Mako and keep it from jumping, it's a gaff south of the dorsal, a tail rope and drag it backwards. A fish that size deserves to live...or at least not to die in the hands of idiots. Walter

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 14:56
by Rawleigh
I hear ya' Walter!!

Posted: Apr 20th, '07, 15:52
by Capt. DQ

There's no way that will stand for a world record just by the way the story unfolded. The fish did not strike the cobia jig for one thing, then it just gets worst from there.

There just damn lucky somebody didn't get hurt real bad or lose the boat on that circus act. I agree they should have left that fish alone, unless they were rigged for it, but if your a pompano fisherman now.

You might think twice about getting to deep off the beach, could make a bad day fishing for sure with him/her swimming bye looking for Flipper on the prow.

This time of year we always have Mako's prowing the beach, you might remember, I posted one a year or so ago with a big Mako with about a 200+ # Tarpon in its mouth swimming down the beach with Cobia Fisherman trying to hook it.