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Algrip primer

Posted: Jun 12th, '17, 21:01
by Capt.Frank
Question I am getting ready to paint the bridge and washboards. Does it matter if I prime with 545 gray or white. If I'm painting white after priming and sanding and priming and sanding ?
I have painted the engine boxes and they came out good, but don't remember which primer I used. Have both primers left over so don't have to buy anymore. I think.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Algrip primer

Posted: Jun 14th, '17, 08:00
by CamB25
I would use both. A couple coats of grey covered with a couple coats of white. The grey will act as a burn through "tell tale" when you block sand.

Re: Algrip primer

Posted: Jun 14th, '17, 13:54
by Capt.Frank
Thanks Cam. I got people telling to use gray and others say don't with white it's for dark colors. Others saying the gray gives paint more depth. I have no clue not a paint guy. I'm only hoping for a good 10' paint job. Not sure what to believe.

Re: Algrip primer

Posted: Jun 14th, '17, 18:04
by Navatech
Since you're proposing two layers of primer anyway and since you already have both I would do the gray first and then the white... The advantage would be that your last coat of primer would be white (easier for light colored top coat to cover) and you'd have a "telltale" when sanding the last coat that you should stop sanding...

As for the gray being harder to cover properly, there's some truth to that but the flip side is that if you use gray as your last primer coat you'll know you put enough top coat over the primer... As for the resulting in a "deeper" white top coat I say BS!...

Re: Algrip primer

Posted: Jun 14th, '17, 18:18
by Raybo Marine NY
if you think you are only priming it once white primer will require less white topcoat for coverage
if you have a good amount of glass work to do, prime it in the gray. it will be easier to see what needs to be tweaked. Make corrections, Get the surface where you want it, then prime it with the white.
I spray gray primer wet on wet over white but only a light dusting as a guide coat