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new tournament

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 06:16
by thereheis
there is some strong talk around they yard that there might be a new tournament held in ROCKPORT TX this year. it's gonna be for 31 bertrams only,word is that it's gonna try and be held on or around the mid of july.will find out more and post more info ,,nothing herd on entry fee as of yet,but i'll keep ya'll posted.


Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 11:04
by mike ohlstein
Keep your eye's open for new NMFS regulations which require the use of circle hooks in billfish tournaments.

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 19:12
by JP Dalik
Thank God...........................

With everyone pushing for endangered species classification on white marlin the best thing the recreational fisherman can do is use the lowest mortality hook on the planet.

Yeah Circle Hooks.

new tournament

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 19:32
by thereheis
i like -em been using -em for quite some time,,,,haven't lost hardly any fish once it's hooked.and lost less stress on the fish also at the boat,just cut the leader,,,,let it go.....


Posted: Apr 18th, '07, 10:17
by clay

Keep me advised on Rockport. My May launch date is slipping but I may be in the water by June if I stop fixing things and start putting the boat back together.

I have come to the conclusion that my new interior lay out is going to feature bean bag seating and five gallon tackel buckets that double as tables when you dump all the gear on the floor to untangle it.


bertram 31 tournament

Posted: Apr 18th, '07, 20:40
by thereheis
just got a e-mail from T,RYAN HUTCHISON - looks like DALE JOHNSON is gonna try and have the 31 bertram tournament june 22-23,if intrested send a e-mail to them and let -em know if your intrested send it to
name - name of boat - email address-phone num and location - fax num
looks like we might have a good start on this ,,,,pass on the word...will be headed out of rock port texas,they can give you more info...


bertram 31 tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '07, 07:03
by thereheis
well it looks like those dates aren't gonna work . looks like aug 11 maybe...will keep you informed..

Posted: Apr 19th, '07, 08:55
by Hyena Love
Can Bert 28's fish the tourney?

You know, Bert 28's are second class, arse dragging, bubble boats, owned primarily by no fishing posers and bedwetters, right? As such, no threat to any serious B31 fishermen. Some are even powered by lawn mower engines.

Maybe just one as an affirmative action kinda deal? Like say, Team Hyena.

31 Contest

Posted: Apr 19th, '07, 11:22
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Hey, August 11 is my birthday! I might even be able to make that one, as a B-day present to me, and give it some press coverage. Then, if 28's are not allowed, I could invite a 28 guy or two to fish with me.