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Cummins and ZF

Posted: Apr 13th, '07, 20:08
by Mikey
O. K. Gang, here's the deal.
I'm ready to hook up the transmission controls to the ZF's but don't know which way is forward and which reverse. One kibbitser says starboard is different from port but didnt know which was which. Uncle Vic, our rigs are the same so, next time you're on A.J. would you verify which way is which?
Tanks, Spanky.


Posted: Apr 13th, '07, 22:32
by Capt. Mike Holmes
One gear will run in reverse, to accomplish counter rotating props. Its too late at night for me to remember which, but one way to check is to crank the engines and manually work the lever on the gears, assuming props are on shafts and the boat is in the water. The boat will move forward or back in opposing positions, hook up the cables from the levers accordingly. You change them by changing which side of the gear the cable pulls/pushes from. Poor, stupid , man's technique.

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 10:58
by Mikey
No props. No way to crank engines. Boat out of water. Help!
Mike, When you get the chance., check it out. Thanks.

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 11:23
by Kevin
I have ZF's on my Steyrs. My boat is out back and I can go check it out. I assume you are just wamnting to know which direction the lever on the transmission is facing for forward gear on each motor. I will post up agaiin in a bit.

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 13:19
by Mikey
Do Steyrs turn the same direction as Cummins? Is that a dumb question?

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 16:32
by Kevin
To my knowledge(which is not much) all motors diesel or gas are left hand runners unless specified counter rotating. Not sure if there are diesel counter rotating engines. When I had the chryslers the starboard motor was the counter rotating motor. From the behind the boat looking at the props the starboard prop should spin clockwise and the port would be forward gear of course. I would have got that PM to you sooner but the website gave me a mesage stating "you cannot post again so soon after posting a mesage" Never had that happen before.

Posted: Apr 14th, '07, 20:59
by Ironman
Mikey: I have Cummins & ZFs . As I remember .....(I had 454s before repower )& had to change the port shifter ... Its easy tom do in the helm control..

Posted: Apr 15th, '07, 11:32
by RussP
Mikey, The Port lever goes down for foward gear. I switched the port shifter to the foward leg so both cables were routed over the top of the tranny.


Posted: Apr 16th, '07, 11:06
by Mikey
HELP, guys. The lever on my ZF's moves left and right. Which is which? How do it know? Still can't figure it out. What am I missing?

Posted: Apr 16th, '07, 12:12
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey - my ZF lever moves sideways too..I'll take a look this weekend and let you know.


Posted: Apr 16th, '07, 13:27
by Ironman
Mikey: Its easier to switch the shifter at the HELM control..

Posted: Apr 16th, '07, 14:19
by Bob S
If it is a ZF 220, I think that looking from the stern, the control lever moves to port for the same rotation as the engine and to starboard for oppisite rotation. You can check on ZF's web site as they have all their installation drawings on the web. Very good web site with lots of info.