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Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 17th, '17, 17:56
by Bruce
This general discusion forum is for boating related stuff. Let's keep it that way, please.

The political forum can be used for everything else.

If I delete posts from this forum for violation please do not pm me for an explaination. I will not answer. Do not call me out on the board about it or a VACATION will be given.

Nothing personal.


Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 18th, '17, 17:53
by Dug
Two thumbs up!

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 19th, '17, 00:58
by Tony Meola
As usual I missed it. But Bruce is correct. Staying on point is what always put this site above others.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 19th, '17, 09:20
by Bruce
Nothing way out there Tony, but after a very hectic fall season, I'm able to spend more time and be involved more on the board. This is an awesome group of self governing people and a hands off policy is still what we want.

This board has been and always will be about Pat and his love of the 31 till they shut the lights off. We all need to unload at times and that's why Pat did the political section.

Don't mind the occasional post in general about staring out the window at a snow storm and feeling like spring will never get here so one of the southern clan can interject a fishing or boating post to lift spirits.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 20th, '17, 00:02
by Tony Meola

That being said and seeing the post on donations, it is 2017 and if we need to start the old fund raiser, please let us know how you want to proceed.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 20th, '17, 16:20
by Bruce
Trying to finish up Financials including setting up a PayPal that takes cc to make it as easy as possible on everyone.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 20th, '17, 19:12
by neil
Bruce I was just thinking about donations today, I have always donated in person when we would get together with capt pat at the rendezvous, my family and I thank you for doing all that you have done, we have become very good friends with a bunch of the faithful over the years send me a pm with your address and I will be happy to send our yearly donation thanks again for stepping up to the plate Neil and family

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 21st, '17, 08:16
by Carl
Ut-oh...going off topic on the "Keep on Topic" post, sorry. But...

CC and PayPal is preferable to me and I think will make it ez-er for many, thanks for going that route....but till it's done, I'd gladly send an old fashioned check now to help keep the lights on.
If corp isn't yet established, I can make out to you, it's all the same difference to me.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 22nd, '17, 06:37
by Bruce
Appreciate it gentlemen, but no need for immediate fund raiser. Hopefully some time mid to end of March.

Thanks to everyone.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Feb 27th, '17, 11:55
by IRGuy
For the record it was I who posted a link to a web article which I submitted under the "You can't make this stuff up" heading I topic I post under occasionally. The subject of the post need not be mentioned here, but upon reconsideration I accept that it was inappropriate for this forum. What I considered humorous at the time I now accept that it had no business here. I have no way of knowing how many of you saw it before it was properly deleted,m but to those of you who did see it and were offended I sincerely apologize.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Mar 1st, '17, 22:43
by Bruce
Nothing to apologize for. It wasn't content but more non boating, mechanical stuff in the general section. You can repost in political if you like. I would have moved but that's still one feature to be fixed.

It's all good.

Re: Keep on topic

Posted: Mar 2nd, '17, 14:00
by IRGuy

Thank you.