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Screw Political Correctness...

Posted: Apr 11th, '07, 19:15
by CaptPatrick
Spain recently showed some real Moxie when dealing with & arresting a hostage taker...

Correct Way to Arrest a Terrorist (Windows Movie 1.7 megs)



Posted: Apr 11th, '07, 19:32
by ScottD
I have no problem with that way of dealing with a criminal, good for Spain, and hope the U.S takes notice.


Posted: Apr 11th, '07, 22:10
by Dave Kosh R.I.P.
No problem with that tactic at all. In fact the terrorists seem to understand that language very well. Dave K

Posted: Apr 11th, '07, 23:08
by Harry Babb
Good for them.............the important thing in my opinion is that they caught their man.

Reminds me of the old saying that "Revenge is best served cold"

Harry Babb

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 05:15
by Brewster Minton
Thats a good thing

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 05:33
by Charlie J
in my opinion, they were to easy on him, after they took him down they should of finished the job with one behind the ear.

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 06:55
by Rawleigh
He asked for it!!

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 08:04
by CMP
Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out...


Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 09:12
by Sean B
I love it, but it would never happen here, at least not more than once. The personal injury vulture attorneys would be lining up at his hospital room door, and the guy would end up with plenty of drug money after all the dust had settled

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 09:55
by MarkS
Don't forget the ACLU piece's of crap! I am sure his right to unimpeeded travel were violated too or some other crap they might manufacture!

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 10:08
by Bill B
The Congress wears a skirt. Gonzales has a knife to his throat held by every Senator and Congressman. George W. needs to be told when to pee. Is this really going to happen in the US?

Posted: Apr 12th, '07, 10:14
by Sean B
Na, we'd probably catch him, strip him down naked and walk him around on a leash for some unknown purpose