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B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 8th, '17, 16:12
by Yannis
For sale in Italy.
You may find some interesting modifications that can inspire anyone in the process of carrying out a B28 project. ... hure?k=adv

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 8th, '17, 18:30
by Harry Woods
The seller spent some serious money on this modification. I question why the oversized aft hatch hinges from aft to forward. The hatch is probably heavy and there is no where to stand on to lift it. I was contacted by an international broker out of Baltimore on mine. The deal died when the transport schedule out of Georgia did not fit the clients needs. What is the conversion of the ask to US dollars?

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 8th, '17, 23:58
by Waytooslow
That price is in Euro so concerts to right at 90K. Nice B28 but not sure I like such a light interior fabric color. Todd

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 9th, '17, 00:17
by Yannis
Good point about the hatch. One could possibly stand outside on the swim platform to open it; there should also be some sort of hydraulic arm for this.

The dollar is strong now and currently sells for 1.04 - 1.06.
As far as the transport to Europe is concerned, I remember that when I bought my boat, I had also considered shipping a candidate boat from the US.
What a complicated chore. Except for the crate that was essential for the boat to sit-on inside the freighter, there were all sorts of complications with the crane on both sides, that is, at the port of departure as well as the port of arrival. And how to align the ship's ETA with the crane at arrival that was paid on an hourly basis... a logistics disaster.
If there was no crate, as was more often the case, you'd have to build one from a distance, in that the buyer would have to give the exact measurements to some blacksmith in the US...I remember trying to find keel angles, heights, widths,..., that was no fun.
The insurance? Ha ! another puzzle. The street transport afterwards? Forget it. Plus all the paperwork, CE certification, VAT issues...
The same applied to when I had found a 28 in Spain. The broker there could not even take responsibility on the loading aboard the freighter. I was asked to fly there to arrange things myself!
The cost? Ha, Ha ! anywhere from 10K to 30K (from the US) which meant that the buyer would have to do all the research on freight companies, dates, specifics to every transporter as to how each one loads and unloads ... the story goes on and on.
I ended up buying a local 28. I saved myself a lot of trouble.


The fabric color !! LoL

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 9th, '17, 11:19
by Harry Woods
The broker on mine told me that the proposed purchaser had no trouble with the cost of shipping a 28 Bert. However, the time frame on the paperwork exceeded his transport date. You saved yourself a lot of stress by buying local.

I was in New London, CT a few years ago and they were unloading four or five boats in the 40 to 50 foot range from a freighter. I had never heard of international boat shipping from that port.

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 9th, '17, 12:44
by Yannis

While doing my homework, as I explained above, I learned that any port serviced by freighters becomes an international port.
All big companies (MSC, Cosco....) go anywhere there is something to transport and immediately the world becomes smaller!
If they themselves do not go somewhere, somebody else will do that missing part to close the circle. Much like a long flight may be divided into two separate flights, even by two different carriers.

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 9th, '17, 13:13
by Navatech
Yannis wrote:Much like a long flight may be divided into two separate flights, even by two different carriers.
It's indeed similar... Containers are fed to the nearest terminals by road and/or rail and/or river barge... From there they're moved onward by so called feeder ships... These are smaller vessels who's sole purpose is to feed the big mega ports that can handle the ever bigger "box" (container) carriers... In fact, many of the smaller wouldn't even be able to serve some of the latest so called "Post Panamax" juggernauts...

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 12th, '17, 11:59
by JH_B28

That is a sweeeeet B28! I liked the idea of the individual engine boxes (like the B31) but ended up making a single piece hatch to access everything at the same time. My initial thoughts were to try to eliminate the hatch on top of the door but i would've had to do it just like a B31 and later the generator would not fit in the center between the engines.

I'll save it for a future project LOL



Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 12th, '17, 13:59
by Yannis
Hi George,

I thought to also lower the middle gangway, but my motors come right under it, until almost the hatch opening, thus allowing for a very narrow result. I would not put a single hatch though, because it blocks traveling in and out while doing mechanical work and you need to either be inside, or to bring things from inside, like tools or coffee.

The door hatch is a gift. It makes all the difference ! When open, you can enter the cabin standing completely straight, when the door is closed it allows perfect air circulation wlile you feel private snoozing on the settee, at night with the bug cover you see the stars from your pillow, in daylight, closed with the door open, you are better protected from the sun wlile you have air and can travel freely in and out. It is, I believe, the most precious single feature on the 28.

What I also liked in this ad, is the side step that completely eliminates the ladder. I'll study it and I may copy it.
In this way, I will have TWO of these:
PS: the screwdriver is for prying open the stbd engine hatch that is a bit stubborn. It never leaves that corner !!!


Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 13th, '17, 14:01
by JH_B28
Hi Yannis,

Say no more, you convinced me to leave the hatch on top of the door! You could be a good salesman LOL. As for the one-piece engine hatch, you have a good point regarding the access to the cabin when open. I don't have that problem since I usually work with everything from the cockpit. Also I fabricated a set of hinges that make process of opening and closing the hatch very easy for anybody....I should patent them LOL. Each of them has a 90lb shock that helps when lifting and holds the hatch open. The hinge was designed to raise the hatch a couple of inches and rotate at the same time as you are lifting it. Similar to the hood of a 1986 BMW E30 325 that I had a couple of years ago.

Here are some pics of the construction of the engine hatch. It is basically the same thing that Kevin did, only that I used the existing drain races and didn't raise it as he did.


I will have to copy your idea for the cushions on top of the engine hatches! LOL Luckily I have two access ladders to the sides as part of the tower so there's nothing in the way. Like in this picture:


I have more pictures of the whole process if you like.



Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 13th, '17, 21:08
by Yannis
You took the engines out?

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 13th, '17, 21:14
by Yannis
I think Kevin did it a la Captain with new metal gutters. No?

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 14th, '17, 06:49
by Navatech

Is this a commercial product or is it a home-brewed solution?!...

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 14th, '17, 10:20
by Waytooslow
"Is this a commercial product or is it a home-brewed solution?!..."
And if the latter maybe a picture next to a ruler or some dimensions?

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 20th, '17, 10:16
by JH_B28
Yannis wrote:You took the engines out?
Yes, we took everything out!

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 20th, '17, 10:20
by JH_B28
Navatech wrote:Image

Is this a commercial product or is it a home-brewed solution?!...


We bought the aluminum stock and fabricated & assembled all the pieces at home.

Re: B28 for sale

Posted: Jan 20th, '17, 10:30
by JH_B28
Waytooslow wrote:"Is this a commercial product or is it a home-brewed solution?!..."
And if the latter maybe a picture next to a ruler or some dimensions?

I will measure them next time I can get to the boat. Although, you can fabricate them to the size and function that fits your needs. The length of the legs control the rise and rotation.

A friend of mine copied the idea and made them for a custom cooler that he was building. They functioned perfectly because you can put the cooler against a wall and when opened, the lid will not push the cooler away from the wall(If that makes any sense? lol).