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Email address

Posted: Sep 3rd, '16, 14:16
by Bruce
Until things are straightened out with the board, if your a member you can contact Mike or myself thru the board.

If your not a member and have general questions or intellectual property requests you can reach me at feedthehogs at. Comcast. Dot net.

If you put my email address in a spam generator I will find you and introduce you to my Louieville slugger.

Re: Email address

Posted: Sep 4th, '16, 02:10
by Navatech
Bruce wrote:If you put my email address in a spam generator I will find you and introduce you to my Louieville slugger.
The people who create email address lists for the spammers have "web crawlers" that search and harvest email addresses posted anywhere on the web... Obfuscation of the address (for example: handle [at] server [dot] com) doesn't really work... It used to work but the spammers have widened up... Any email address you post on-line better be a throwaway address... Or, at least, one used only for that one purpose...