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B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Aug 31st, '16, 13:50
by Tommy
Bob H,

Do you have any half hull models left in inventory? I know a bunch of us chipped in and secured a half-hull to be used as a plug so a mold could be pulled, and last I read you were the steward of the mold! If so, how much $$ to purchase a model? One of the NC faithful is in the market.

Thanks Bob,


Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Aug 31st, '16, 18:08
by Bertramp
I don't think a new plug was ever made.
Bob found someone to make the half hulls, perhaps more can be made

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Aug 31st, '16, 21:23
by Tony Meola

PM him. I know he said the mold was getting rough and they did not expect future models to come out as nice as the others.

I thought someone had suggested 3D printing them. I was in COSTCO today and they had a small Dremel 3D printer for just shy of $900. Only issue is the biggest job it handles is 9.5 inches. They had some samples and they were pretty cool.

If I had a spare 900 I would have grabbed it just to play with it. I was trying to figure out if there was anything I could build for the boat.

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 1st, '16, 05:29
by Charlie J
bob might have a few from the last batch
left over

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 1st, '16, 21:08
by Tommy
Thanks guys, I will PM Bob.

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 3rd, '16, 11:16
by Rapscallion
Tommy, if you fine that he has some,. please score one of Cross and myself.

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 3rd, '16, 12:15
by Raybo Marine NY
as long as there is a single good model out there a new mold can obviously be made from it

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 4th, '16, 07:59
by Fishin Tom
Fellow Members-

I could produce the 1/2 molded hull for the 31 if the board would like us too. From what I've read on the site the mold needs renewal and repairs. That would not be difficult for us at Holtz Boatworks. Just give me a call or e-mail and I can get it started as long as a mold in some condition is provided, or an actual product that I could fabricate a new mold is available.

Tom Oakes, Holtz Boatworks

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 4th, '16, 08:18
by Bob H.
I have three or four left from the last batch. The mold could use some work, has a few spider cracks that show up in each part. A new mold may be a better option going forward. Plus the design of the mold makes pulling each part a little tough but doable.
PM me with address so I can get a shipping quote for those interested in the last few. We can either get another round made up or I can ship the mold off to Tom. Let me know what you guys think.BH

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 4th, '16, 08:29
by Bob H.
A shot of spider cracks on the right. Sanded out part on left. BH

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 4th, '16, 14:38
by Tommy
Bob, a PM is on the way; looks like our NC crowd wants three so they can all be shipped to one address. Thanks!

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 13th, '16, 14:11
by Tommy
Hi Bob, if you see this please let me know the cost to purchase 3 of the remaining half hulls to be shipped to the same address here in NC, and who to make the check to. Thanks

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 13th, '16, 20:37
by Bob H.
Tommy sent you a pm, get me the shipping address and I will get them ready to ship. BH

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 14th, '16, 12:54
by Tommy
Got it, Bob; thanks. If it doesn't reach you please call me at (919) eight-eight-zero-0832.


Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Sep 27th, '16, 15:13
by Bob H.
Packed up the mold for the half hull and sent it on its way to a very capable steward.
Tom at Holtz Boatworks should have it by weeks end. I enjoyed getting them made and shipped
Out to a great bunch of guys. BH

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 1st, '16, 06:19
by Fishin Tom
I just received the half mold for the 31 Bertram. It's a little rough so we are going to clean up the mold, make a new part and then a new clean Mold to produce a better final part.

It will take us a week or so, but I'll let everyone know when we are ready to offer the new and crisp 1/2 mold. I'm also considering offering mounting boards and possibly a brass engraved plaque as options

First things first

Best to all
Tom Oakes, Holtz Boatworks

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 2nd, '16, 06:28
by ianupton
Would be great to see pictures!

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 2nd, '16, 06:48
by Fishin Tom
Ok, We will document the process and post for the members

Tom O

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 2nd, '16, 06:55
by ianupton
Thanks you!

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 2nd, '16, 22:02
by Tony Meola

I have to say the half hull Bob had done came out great. In fact even if I did not have a 31 if I was a boat aficionado, it would still be great to hang on the wall.

If Tom offers it mounted consider if your wood working skills are not up to par.

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 3rd, '16, 09:11
by Fishin Tom
I did not mean to say that the mold was not producing a good product. I just want to make a new one to eliminate any additional work after they are molded and produced.

We are going to put a flange on the mold to help with the release and take care of any of the spider cracks found in the existing mold. The end result will be easier for us to provide to the Members and friends.

Tom Oakes

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 3rd, '16, 20:45
by Tony Meola

Sorry if I said it incorrectly, not saying anything is wrong either way, just trying to express that it is worth purchasing. It is a nice piece to have if you own a 31 or just enjoy classic boats.

Re: B-31 Half Hull model

Posted: Oct 6th, '16, 20:26
by ianupton
I have one of the half hulls that Bob helped arrange. Suits on my son's dresser.