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Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 7th, '16, 16:37
by Dug
Since Alchemy has been out of commission for a bit, I have realized that all of my expiring safety stuff is in need of replacement. This has led me to evaluate my ditch bag. The bag itself is a bit tired. I am thinking that my replacement of choice is the ACR bag that is so ubiquitous. But I am also contemplating a nice Pelican case, in bright yellow, with a spot for everything. Thoughts? Hard case might have a negative limitation due to lack of squish ability and floatation might be limited. But then again, tough.


Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 7th, '16, 22:47
by Yannis
I have a folding edge yellow duffle bag, which can also hold a lot of air to become sort of a floating aid.
Pelican is too rigid that renders impractical I think.
More important is what you carry inside...

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 8th, '16, 05:04
by Charlie J
pelican cases will float

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 8th, '16, 07:30
by John Nardi
Hi Dug...Having spent hundreds of days and nights over the years 50 to 150 nautical offshore on both small boats (31 Berts) and up to 80 footers, I am a firm believer that when the proverbial shit hits the storm, one may not be able to orchestrate a survival strategy as efficiently as one thinks. Hit a container, rogue wave breaks in your cockpit in the canyon when anchored with a funky current, catch a lobster pot line in the wheels, all get the picture and have been there. I NEVER ever believed that a life raft belongs on the bow where a collision in the fog could destroy it.

I now use a life raft in a very manageable soft pack, and soft pack floatable ACR type bail out bags with a plastic water tight container attached that has many extra flares and a large number of glo sticks and a compact flash light.

Hope this helps...John

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 8th, '16, 08:26
by PeterPalmieri
I have the larger ACR bag, I put it up on the bridge with me. Thankfully I've never needed it but my thought is that when I need it I want it in a spot where it will freely float off the boat. In the worst scenario nobody has a chance to grab it or take it out, IMO the only two places that allow this is up on the bridge or on the engine box.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 8th, '16, 15:46
by Dug

I also keep a Valise pack soft packed life raft. Switlik MD-2. My last Switlik passed inspection for well over 21 years (amazing) so I am a complete fan.

I've got the contents down pretty well for in the bag. I was thinking about going to the hard case Pelican instead of a soft case style ACR. The ACR was my initial thought...

Many thanks for the input! I like the watertight container idea. I will say that my raft in the valise is FU#%ING heavy (86 lbs I think!) so I am thoughtful as to when I move it... LOL!


Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 8th, '16, 21:02
by Tony Meola
Dug wrote:John,

I also keep a Valise pack soft packed life raft. Switlik MD-2. My last Switlik passed inspection for well over 21 years (amazing) so I am a complete fan.

I've got the contents down pretty well for in the bag. I was thinking about going to the hard case Pelican instead of a soft case style ACR. The ACR was my initial thought...

Many thanks for the input! I like the watertight container idea. I will say that my raft in the valise is FU#%ING heavy (86 lbs I think!) so I am thoughtful as to when I move it... LOL!


The Winslow life raft in a valise will come in at about 25 lbs lighter. The only issue is that a Winslow is not certified for charter use. But I figure if it is good enough to be put on aircraft it is good enough for the boat.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 15th, '16, 14:15
by Dug
I ended up buying the ACR bag instead of the hard case from Pelican.

As UV always said, "The enemy of good is better".

The bag style container has worked for me. Why mess with it.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 16th, '16, 15:33
by Rawleigh
I use the ACR bag.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 17th, '16, 15:31
by Dug
Big one or the Express or whatever its called?

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 20th, '16, 09:21
by Rawleigh
I don't know. Mine is the older style with the pocket on either end.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 21st, '16, 12:12
by GerardA
Time for me to put a ditch bag together.
What do you all have in there (recommend)?
Must have items.
Nice to have items.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 21st, '16, 14:11
by mike ohlstein
Strobe light(s), large colored balloons, batteries, a roll-up splint, flares, strobe light(s), large colored balloons, hand held radio, strobe light(s), cylume sticks, large colored balloons, strobe light(s), hand held GPS, a quart of water, some fishing line, strobe light(s), large colored balloons, a knife, sea sickness pills, a small EPIRB, a stainless 9mm Walther PPK.

The only survivor of the Coast Guard rescue helicopter crew that went down trying to find the Andrea Gale told me that the thing that saved his life that night was a strobe light. He also mentioned that they sometimes miss rafts and life jackets during the day, but they see thousands of purple and yellow and white and red balloons floating around. White being the best.

If you want to live, you have to be found. And to be found, you have to be seen.

Oh, and the 9mm is to make sure that no one else drinks your water......

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 01:45
by Navatech
mike ohlstein wrote:White being the best.
That's sounds VERY counter intuitive... What with the ocean's wave's foam heads... Intuitively I would think that "international orange" would be best... Isn't that why life boats/rafts are made in that color?!...

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 06:34
by Yannis
What are the large colored baloons?
The ones we inflate at children parties?
Also, aren't they blown away by the wind?

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 08:47
by mike ohlstein
Yannis wrote:What are the large colored baloons?
The ones we inflate at children parties?
Also, aren't they blown away by the wind?

Yes, large, childrens balloons. They take up nearly zero space. You blow them up and use the fishing line to secure them to yourself. Make a string of them, so they look just odd enough to warrant a second glance. You don't just want to look like a sharking balloon that got away, but even that is better than nothing.

Batteries go dead. In fact, they're often dead when you reach for them. Flares burn for a few seconds. Dye markers dissipate fairly rapidly. Smoke blows away. Whistles have a limited range. Balloons last a long time, and a good LED strobe light will run for hours on a half dead battery. Ideally, you have all of those things. Flares are best for attracting ship traffic.

Now that I think of it, a laser pointer is a good idea too. Blind a commercial pilot for a few seconds and you'll definitely get some attention......

I wouldn't use white balloons in a foamy sea.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 09:00
by Dug
Mike, I love the balloon idea. Will add that to the list.

I bought some water packets with 5 year life, as well as space blankets, both on amazon. Balloons are a great idea!!!!

Also gotta get the strobe lights, and blunt tipped knife.

I also have tons of cylume light sticks, and the laser pointer is a good idea for sure.

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 09:10
by mike ohlstein

Re: Ditch bag thought

Posted: Jun 22nd, '16, 10:32
by mike ohlstein
I ordered two of these less than an hour ago. They're already shipped.
