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Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 11:35
by TailhookTom
So, his defense was that he filed for benefits in 2010 and forgot to tell the government he didn't need them anymore when he landed his contract on Wicked Tuna, and we all believe that for how many nanoseconds???? His claim was that he couldn't hold any job because he couldn't stand up straight, couldn't walk upright and couldn't lift heavy weights. hmmm, that sounds like a perfect giant Bluefin fisherman, mate, captain's qualifications.

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — A man featured on the reality television show “Wicked Tuna” has pleaded guilty to federal charges in Vermont he received government disability benefits while he was fishing on the show.

Fifty-year-old Paul Hebert, of Gloucester, Massachusetts, appeared Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Burlington where he pleaded guilty to charges of Social Security and Medicaid fraud.

Hebert was charged last summer with accepting more than $44,000 in Social Security and Medicaid benefits between 2010 and 2013.

Hebert agreed to pay more than $53,600 in restitution. Attorneys are recommending probation for four years. Sentencing is set for May.

Hebert’s attorney Paul Volk says the claims were due to injuries Hebert suffered before joining “Wicked Tuna” and Hebert failed to update his condition.

Hebert has been on “Wicked Tuna” since 2012.

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 16:21
by Bertramp
heheheheh .... yeah, OK

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 20:54
by Tony Meola
I can not believe these people think they can get away with this stuff. Especially when they parade it out in the open.

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 10:06
by Navatech
Tony Meola wrote:I can not believe these people think they can get away with this stuff. Especially when they parade it out in the open.
Stupid is as stupid does...

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 27th, '16, 19:09
by IRGuy

Having lived for over 30 years on Boston's North Shore, where most of the boats on the "Wicked Tuna" program come from, I have to take exception to your spelling..

I can assure you it is "pissah".

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 31st, '16, 16:46
by Pete Fallon
Another case of bastardizing the language by a fool, wicked awesome. The wicked tuna show is such a farce. If you look at the trailers for the show, there is one shot of Hard Mechanize throwing a harpoon, that picture is inside of the breakwater at Eastern Point, other shots have the back shore of Gloucester house lights in the background, they are supposed to be fishing on Stellwagon Bank Northwest Corner which is 12.5 miles from the back shore. Billy Monte ( Bounty Hunter) got so sick of the BS that he thru them off his boat. I fished along side Billy years ago, he had a 26' Topaz at that time (in the early 80's you were lucky to get $1.00 a pound in those days) most of the fish that everyone catches on the show now are rats that we used to let go so they would grow up. I had a fish that weighed 980 pounds(760 dressed) I got $2.50 a pound from Producers Fish(Joe Curcurru) that fish paid my insurance for the year in 1983. It's 54 degrees here on the North Shore of Boston today, walked around on crutches for a short time today still waiting for doctor to operate on the knee sometime in February hopefully.
P.S. Paul Hebert pleaded guilty in court and has to pay back a good chunk to the Social Security Administration over a period of time. There are a lot of things going on with Paul's case that the newspaper didn't tell as usual. Wicked F***ing Pissah You 'all.
Pete Fallon

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Jan 31st, '16, 23:23
by IRGuy

Being now a life member of Jubilee YC I knew Bill when he started tuna fishing.. I believe all his boats were named "Bounty Hunter".. He and his girlfriend and now wife seemed to always be working on his boat in the yard. She had the same hair style then as she has now.

I have no idea what each boat gets paid for having the cameramen aboard, but knowing a few commercial fishermen I can't believe they like having a camera guy dancing around the cockpit getting in the way when they have a fish on.

I hope your next knee does well.. you deserve a place in heaven for dealing with all the crap you have been going through. I was one of the lucky ones I guess.. I had a full replacement about 15 months ago and it has been trouble free.. so far. Good luck with yours.. I will be rooting for you.

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Feb 1st, '16, 21:08
by Pete Fallon
I've known Billy for a long time. he's always been a good fisherman. I lived across the harbor on Juniper Point in the Willows for years before moving to Florida in 1996.
I just came back from MGH after being retested for the allergy to the bone cement that holds the implant to the bone. It came back that I was reactive to the bone cement, now I have appointment on Thursday with the ortho doc at Brigham & Women's Hospital, he is going to figure out what the next move is going to be.
I am glad your knee worked out well for you.
I know a bunch of members of Jubilee YC, Bob and Lyn Wiley, Scott Clark and Laura just a few names.
How's things going for you in North Carolina. We've had a great winter here so far 63 degrees this afternoon, only 6 inches of the white stuff so far.
The season premier of Wicked Tuna starts tonight. They should call it Wicked Ego instead.
Pete Fallon

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 22:00
by IRGuy
Hi Pete...

Weather down here has been great.. about 10 days of cold and now in the mid 40s to high 60s. I don't care if I never see a damn snowflake again. We never had one moment's regret about moving here from Beverly. To make things better, our daughter's family is here as well, so our two grandkids are only about 15 miles away. The subdivision we live in has a canal from the ICW into a basin where our boat (B33 FBC) is docked.. it is two minutes and 20 seconds walk from my front door to my slip!

Scott did my eyeglasses for years, I know the Wiley's but not well. We are good friends with Peter and Diane Haywood from the Winter Island Yacht Yard.. I have known Peter since he worked at NE Divers. The North shore had it's appeal, but my wife and I just got tired of the cold weather.

I will be following your knee replacement.. and sending you good vibes when the operation happens.. maybe this time will be the last. My replacement about 15 months ago was my first time ever admitted to a hospital.. at age 74! Been there now, done that.. don't really want to do it again!

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Feb 3rd, '16, 13:12
by Pete Fallon
Frank B,
Scott Clark lived right across the street from me on Juniper Point and I've know Peter & Diane since that time also, I kept my 31 Bertram in his boat yard before he over priced him self. Jim Cahill's( N.E. Divers)son Mike was a tenant of mine for years. I moved to West Palm in 1995 after the arthritis got so bad I couldn't go up and down stairs in my own house. I moved to Stuart in 2006 because of the traffic increase in the Western suburbs of West Palm. Stuart reminded me of the Salem/ Beverly/ Danvers area of the North Shore. Lot's of good boat building companies and good people. Did you have your 33 at the Jubilee Yacht Club before moving to N.C.?.
How far away is Charlie Johnson from you, he's in Wilmington somewhere, Tommy Drake is in that area also, along with Jim Bailey the original owner of Buddy Boy and he had or still owns a marina in Atlantic Beach, N.C.. I've been thru the area a few times on boat deliveries back in the early 80's and every time I fly back and forth to Florida Jet Blue passes right over Cape Fear, always liked going thru that area.
Pete Fallon

Re: Wicked Pissuh

Posted: Feb 3rd, '16, 13:41
by Charlie J
I was 10 minutes away from frank
iam back on long island