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veterans day

Posted: Nov 11th, '15, 12:40
by bob lico
a photo of my dad in England taken prior to D-day invasion. serve in army /air force intelligence photographic division attach to Gen. Eisenhower command. took shrapnel in the neck while taking photo`s of France in B-24. love by all and like myself a forgotten soldier in America under present politicians .


Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 11th, '15, 12:46
by bob lico

Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 11th, '15, 21:55
by Tony Meola

Thanks for sharing. Personally preference is Whitney Houstons version, but they are both good.

Unfortunately we don't have too many pictures of my dad in uniform. He was in Germany and told a few stories. Mostly good ones. He always said, it was tough at the end when they were held up outside Berlin so the Russians could advance. Obviously one thing that bothered him was being shot at by 14 year old kids. He said they did not realize they were kids until well...

I also think about what he must have thought at the end of the was with Germany, when they give him two choices. Go straight to the Pacific and be reinforcements to the first waves hitting the beaches of Japan, or go home for 30 days and be in the first wave. He choice the 30 day leave to see my mother and sister. I was not born yet. He felt the Japanese would fight to the last man and no matter what wave he was in, he probably was not coming home.

Of course they dropped the bomb while he was on leave, so we avoided what would have been probably the bloodiest battle this country probably would have ever seen. Truly a different generation.

We should raise a glass to all Vets.

Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 11th, '15, 22:47
by bob lico
my father work in the photography field before the war so he was put into inteligents and was part of the team that took thousands of photo`s and put them together as a huge map off the Normady beach with all gun inplacements marked at shaft which was general eisenhowers head quarters . after the invasion he made maps for general patton thats when he caught "frag" in the neck taking photo`s from c-47.later years turn to cancer from injury area and he uncle Anthony landed on UTAH beach and was in the infantry by wars end he and two others were the only original that landed on the beach!!!!! not a scrath, my relations made it back except uncle joe whom was killrd by a jap zero at pearl harbor. entire family serve in military. yes lets hold our glasses high and salute the finest we are prohibuted from displaying the flag my uncle die best i will get a flag drape coffin and buriel in calverton military cemetary.

Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 12th, '15, 09:12
by Rawleigh
Interesting stories Bob. My Dad served in the 444th B24 squadron in England with Jimmy Stewart. My Godfather (who originally bought my B31) served in the Navy in the Pacific. Both volunteered after Pearl Harbor. my 91 year old Godfather is the last surviving WW2 vet I know.

Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 12th, '15, 10:34
by Joseph Fikentscher
Here's my Dad. Not sure where this was taken. Anzio probably.


Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 12th, '15, 22:15
by Tony Meola

You look a lot like your father.

Re: veterans day

Posted: Nov 13th, '15, 08:21
by Joseph Fikentscher
Thanks Tony.