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Girl wants Bertram Man

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 10:31
by Brewster Minton
I know a girl who wants a boyfriend with a Bertram31. She dont like 28s only 31s. She is 20, 105#, blond, loves to fish and go on boats. Will cut bait, drive boat and make lunch and dinner. Lives in the Hamptons but if your Bert is nice she would be willing to relocate( diesels only). She is slightly more maintence than your Bert ie Tiffanys, Benz, Navigator,and Blackberries. Loves to travel and if you are marriage material will do TSL wedding and honeymoon. Respond at will.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 10:38
by Dug

You shouldn't have any problems finding her a match! I got a buddy in Niantic who she might like. He has a 31, and a steady job, and owns his own house.

Next option, I could ask Liz if she would share....?


Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 10:42
by Dug
I do have diesels and pictures of the boat...


Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:05
by CaptDana
Hey- You had me almost calling off my engagement- but I have a 28- She would help me get bigger tips on my charter trips---but not sure I have a money tree big enough for her--- I will stay engaged and save lotsa $$- we are getting married in June, and then the 2 of us will set of on our honeymoon- taking my 28 up Lake Michigan from my home port for a week of cruising--then it's back to FISHing- Been trying to figure out how I can sneek off to your neck of the woods and take you up on your fishing invite-- Everyone says--do it before you get married!! Dana

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:08
by Charlie J
if only i was 5 years younger. lol

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:13
by Harry Babb
I automatically think about the bass boat commercial
It read something like this

Looking for a female companion who is outgoing, likes outdoors and bass fishing, must be willing to dig worms, clean and cook fish
Please send recent photo of boat and tackle.

Harry Babb

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:20
by neil
jr is only 9 years old so tell her to wait he has two bertrams and one of them will have dielse by the time he gets married neil

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:26
by JP Dalik
Yeah but will it have covering boards?

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 12:36
by neil
jp not only does his 25 have covering boards it has roger fritz covering boards so maybe there is hope i will bet timmmmmmmmy wishes he had a bertram right about now

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:03
by CaptPatrick
She's surly a canidate for Doug C, & he even has a Harley...



Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:11
by TailhookTom

You flatter me, but Krista would kick your butt for it.


Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:17
by Tunaman15
I think I am a perfect match for that little thing. The only question mark is that I have a 46' not a 31, but I am willing trade a slightly used tiagra 80W with 100 lb diamond for her. I like how you New York boys do things.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:37
by Brewster Minton
She hates golfers, she saw your profile tunaman15, and only 31 Berts

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:40
by Kevin
I have a 28, so I am out. Besides, I saw no mention of breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 13:44
by Brewster Minton
Kevin she thinks your cute in your pic ,but only 28, she has standards. She wants to know if you would trade up to a 31 if she moves to the keys.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 14:19
by neil
brewster did she see jrs picture jr will be 20 when she is 31 and jr already has a 31

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 14:33
by Brewster Minton
Yea she saw him but she does not want to wait 10 years although his Bert would be even more classic then.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 14:46
by Rawleigh
I'm willing to convert to diesel!! She may be just the impetus I needed!!!

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 15:45
by Dug
Yeah Tom, you are right.

But you know I was thinking of Dave....

Now Brewster, it is time top post up a picture of this woman with such good taste!

Before we get all happy go lucky the tables need to be fair and square. She gets to preassess all of us via our avatars, but we get nothin'!

Come on big B, my B31 is a nice one!


Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 16:23
by Matt29
Only a matter of time before the picture request came! Took longer than expected. A LI girl of such desirable qualities and taste sounds almost too good to be true. I worked on the boats at Captree for a few years and was never so fortunate. I would have posted the pic request myself earlier, but I have been preoccupied with researching the diesel B31's for sale in light of this thread.

1975 B28 FBC
Toms River, NJ

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 17:19
by waggles02673
If she is a Yankees fan that pretty much rules out most of us up here in the NE. I once had a girl friend who was a Yankees fan and it didn't go well at all and we will leave it at that!


Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 17:41
by IRGuy
Too bad I have a 33, but I am not cutting two feet off for any woman!

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 18:29
by Charlie
Tell her I have a 35B. That is just a 31B on steriods. Plus the bayboat has a big Johnson!

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 20:03
by Brewster Minton
Pic are on the link on bottom of post under :good times: She going to want pics of boat, bildge and fishing rods before anything and probably a survey

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 20:40
by Harv

Would she consider pending diesels? My 31 will be a gasser for at least one more year. Totally available and the parents want grandbabies. Picture of boat is under this text. Survey is in hand, (3years old), Rods and reels are Internationals. To top it off, she doesn't have to relocate, if she doesn't want to. Freeport isn't that far away from the Hamptons.
Ahhh, what am I thinking, she's probably too rich for my blood......right now. However, as Capt. Dana mentioned, she would be a bonus to my charter business.

Posted: Mar 16th, '07, 22:03
by Hueso
daaaaaaang! my 31 is a gasser..........I'm buying Yanmars next week is that's the she willing to come down to Puerto Rico and live with a lawyer who is about to give up the career to charter?

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 07:05
by Brewster Minton
Hueso she really likes the pic of your Bert but will only relocate with deisels. She thinks you are going to need props and new shafts. She is also concerned how long the conversion will take, she wants to go now on the boat. And Harv she loves the Bahia Mar, very sexxxy!! But its a fuel issue for her.

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 08:13
by Whaler1777

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 08:46
by randall
cheaper to rent a ferrari than buy a chevy

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 12:00
by CaptPatrick
Right on target, Randy...

Goes along with: If it flys, floats, or fornicates, rent it...



Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 13:32
by Rawleigh
Well said Pat!! I've owned boats and a plane but never been married, so I must be doing it right!!

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 14:06
by CaptPatrick
Been married three times, (slow learner on that exercise), not sure that I'd even rent another one...

Never owned a plane, but occasionally buy a ticket...

Owned two boats, traded the last one for the Best Boat: NONE!



Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:28
by Tony Meola
Capt. Pat: You may have given up owning boats but you have the headaches of lets see, how many members on this board, over 400 I think. With that many boats to worry about who would want to own one. In fact, you probably have the headaches of some of the better halves to those boats. Tony Meola

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:30
by CaptPatrick

You guys ain't headaches, your beloved family! And when someone has access to Bertram 31's the world over, why want ownership of any boat? I can even walk out of my front door and climb right aboard one right now.

Trying to make them better than they already are is the real fun.

Actually, all of the Faithful's Misses I've met have been real dolls & their husbands are lucky dogs to have 'em. Some of my favorite girl friends are married to Bertram owners...

Off to my back yard neighbor's house for a big sit down dinner. He slaughtered & dressed out a young cochon this morning and it's slow cookin' over a big pit of oak & mesquite coals. Gonna' be some great baby back ribs n' more.



Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:31
by Whaler1777
Send some of them ribs up here Capt... Its been a while... I just want to say thanks again for keepin this site up and running.....

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:35
by randall
caren says and i quote " you have other girlfriends?, who are they, i'll kill em"

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:46
by Tony Meola
Capt. Pat: Funny thing about boats, especially our 31's, they have been creating extended families for years. We got ours in 1975, and from the day we stepped on her, everyone we ever met with a 31 always had open arms for another 31 owner. Who would of thought it would have all led to this. I started lurking on this board in 1996 when I was working late at night and trying to distract myself from some problem that was sitting on my desk that was keeping me from going home. Joined up later on and I will say this is a great group. A friend of mine introduced me to a long standing member Frank Fiamano, who as you all know is a great guy. Frank and I have had several discussions that brought me down memory lane and the summers I spent at the NJ Shore.
We all owe you a big thank you for what you do for us. Tony Meola

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:47
by scooter28
shes cute to bad shes to high class for this 24 yr old with only a 28footer. lol

Posted: Mar 18th, '07, 07:55
by John Brownlee
I'm both too married and too old to care.

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 08:48
by Dug

She is a beautiful lady. If she has the personality to match you, she is a deadly combination! And you are right about fishing, as I saw Montauk in the background of one of those pictures, and that is real fishing country, so she sure does qualify!

Can't wait to meet you at Montauk, or earlier. I will make sure our cooler is chock full of beverages, and will remember to bring the mudslide maker.

Should be fun!


Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 09:48
by Rawleigh
A beautiful woman with great taste who likes boating and fishing should have no problem attracting a lot of suitors. To bad she is not closer to me!!

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 11:27
by Doug Crowther
I am in agreement with Patrick. She sounds made to order, although being single for nearly five years now I have grown to like not shopping @ Tiffany's, Hermes, etc. Post pictures of girl and blackberry, I may even clean my bildge for her.......
The 33 yr old brunette that I took to Louisianna to play with Andre', Uv, Da Judge and Thudd last weekend will probably kill me in my sleep if I went after another blond. Uv even had this one peeling and eating crawfish. Timmy got her drunk.....

What the hell you only live once-

Please post pictures of girl and blackberry- is it a 7250 ?

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 11:32
by thuddddddd
this one sounds like you'll be shopping at Stalkers or Hanks.
BTW , the other one got herself lit up.

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 11:40
by Doug Crowther
Yeah she liked you too.

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 12:26
by Rawleigh
If she can put up with that crowd she has to be tough!!

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 20:18
by AndreF
My Moma told me this PM that Yvonne was pretty drunk, then I found out Yvonne didn't know any better and let Timmy fix her drinks! I understand now the condition she was in. and why.
I've seen Timmy Torpedo real tough men was pretty bad.......I would have been embarrassed, when I awoke that is, and wouldn't have felt very tough the next day.
Now I feel for Yvonne, and Doug.
Great party, thanks Patrick.

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 20:32
by In Memory of Vicroy
Andre' it was indeed a great party and thanks.....12 sacks of crawfish (about 45# each, yes Faithful, it was over a quarter TON of crawfish) were eaten up pretty quick. Yvonne was the life of the party for about an hour & a the rise & fall of the 3d reich.

Timmy was actually pretty good, only had to remind him a few times we in the South don't use the "s" and "f" words in front of women. He told me he was amazed that none of the guests had tatoos and body piercing....

I hear our local mayor attacked Andre' and took a swig out of Andre's drink that was in his famous nand painted glass with a pix of RR on it. Judge, how did the pix of that debacle turn out? Inquiring minds need to know.......

All in all, just another glorious day in coonassland - the yankees had some serious culture shock tho......


Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 21:23
by randall
culture clash at the coonass country club... volume ll........well maybe next year....or port eads in 08

Posted: Mar 19th, '07, 21:41
by In Memory of Vicroy
Randall, it was just a normal coonass bash. Doug asked me how many times a year this sort of deal is done here.....duhhhhhhh, maybe 15-20?

Thanks again Andre', you de man!

Randall, thanks to you & Caren for the silver auction catalog, got it today and dropped Caren a note....nice stuff. The tureen with the auction estimate of 8 to 12 million would look good on our dining table.

Any of you Faithful that have sterling silver and want me to give you a guess on what it is and value, drop me a line.....close ups of the marks are essential for i.d. and value. A hobby of mine....or you can post up on Its a Brit silver site and I moderate the American silver section. The two Franks brothers run the site and are HD English silver guys in London.


Posted: Mar 20th, '07, 07:50
by randall
you welcome....caren is the catalogue queen......sells em on e'bay....

the yankee (east end LI) party dept is run by my friend peter.....the guy just keeps thinking up new and better ways to party and have time when he was at bat he hits a soft he runs to first a naked stripper takes off across the infield smooching the players.....however he was the only one who scored........decides to take the party to cuba...which is how i got on this board in the first place.......are we having fun yet?