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Shark "Attack"?

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 12:17
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Did everyone see the coverage of the "shark attack" in Florida on TV? Some kayakers hooked one, drug it up on the beach, and the dumbass was trying to take the hook out when it bit him. Little blacktip. Houston news readers have escalated it to a vicious attack on dry land. If you stick your hand in yout 2 year old's mouth, and he/she clamps down on it, is that an "attack"?

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 13:12
by Rawleigh
There is no cure for stupid unfortunately!

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 13:43
by Bruce
Dad always said,

Son if your going to be stupid, you'd better be tough.

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 14:40
by Kevin

worth the watch. It makes you realize how much smarter you are when compared to others.

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 14:55
by Brewster Minton
Thats crazy.

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 15:20
by clay

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 16:31
by Rawleigh
Idiot! Doesn't he realize a hotdog looks just like a finger! I dove with a divemaster off Honduras whose hand had been mauled by one. He had changed the food from one hand to the other just like this guy did. He still had all of his fingers, they just weren't pretty anymore. He still fed them, but was more careful!

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 17:00
by Sean B
That tattoo on his forearm should read "Dumbass." I remember on day one of dive class they told us to stay the hell away from the morays, especially the greem morays.

I think people tend to forget that when in the ocean, you are no longer at the top of the food chain.

Posted: Mar 15th, '07, 11:31
by Doug Crowther
now THATS entertainment

Posted: Mar 15th, '07, 12:45
by AndreF
His gene pool is mighty shallow.

Posted: Mar 15th, '07, 16:19
by Rawleigh
Yeah, I always tucked my hands under my armpits when they swim around me. No sense tempting fate!!

Posted: Mar 15th, '07, 17:21
by Capt. DQ
The sign says, (Don't touch or play with the animals or swim with the sharks they BITE!) DUH.....