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Gelcoat "grinder"

Posted: Jul 31st, '15, 21:23
by Kurt
Hey all,
I was wondering if the ol' gelcoat "eater" was still available for "purchase/rent" till the next person needed it. I recalled that at some point years ago, someone bought a high dollar model and folks on the board were able to pass along the machine basically buying it until the next person needed it.
Haven't been here in awhile but my B20 is finally getting put in the back yard so it's about to get serious. And, I still have my Cobia 22 Walkaround that has some major gelcoat spider webbing that will be dealt with this winter.
Thanks y'all!

Re: Gelcoat "grinder"

Posted: Aug 3rd, '15, 20:53
by Tony Meola

I have been on the board for quite a while, I don't ever remember seeing a grinder being passed around. Maybe Capt. Pat remembers.