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When's it gonna end?

Posted: Mar 13th, '07, 13:38
by Bruce
Just sitting here at lunch time trying keep up with the ever growing price increases and still be able to have an estimate good for longer than 15 minutes when I got a delivery of a Kohler part.

I ended up spitting the soda thru my nose when I looked at the invoice.

A 2"x2" relay board with about 3 dollars in parts was $295 bucks.
After saying some things that weren't very nice I decided to call Kohler to see how they could justify the pricing.

Well as it turns out the local Kohler dealer is the one that added 75 bucks to the list price. When called on it they claimed sheepishly I might add, that a computer upgrade glitch was to fault.

I wonder how many others have been caught in the glitch without being aware?

While the part at $225 is still way over priced and Kohler had nothing to say in their defense, a gouge in list price by the local dealer don't help and it don't help our industry as a whole from being know as a bunch of thevin bastards.

So if a part seems just a little to high, it just might be that dreaded computer glitch. So check your invoices and call the manufacturers to check.

I would post the dealers name as a hall of shame honoree, but my legal defense fund is well, nada.

Posted: Mar 13th, '07, 14:09
by In Memory of Vicroy
Their lawyers made 'em do it......


Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 11:31
by Sean B
Na, it was the auditors. The laywers come later.

Definition of Auditors: people who go in after the war is lost and bayonet the wounded.

Definition of Lawyers: people who go in after the auditors and strip the bodies.

Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 11:38
by Rawleigh
I liked the shark analogy better. . .!


Posted: Mar 14th, '07, 12:18
by 34Hatt
That made me think about last year. I repower with some used 330b's I bought, got them running and one alarm board was wacky. I think it was some where in the range of $135 for this little board and $5 worth of parts. So I shot gunned it and replace the two major chips which cost more for shipping then parts and Presto been working great for $10.